Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

UniverseOn April 4, the window of universal energy to manifest change that began with the simultaneous Vernal Equinox and solar eclipse will “close” with our full Moon lunar eclipse.  Eclipses bring change, the vernal equinox brings change – the universe cannot make it any clearer! Set those intentions and get moving. We will have bigger cosmic kick in the pants this year.

This is a Libra- Aries eclipse so we are still working on the energy of boundaries between where we start and others end. Do you go too overboard to accommodate others or do you think only of yourself? Where are the boundaries? Where do you need to re-set those boundaries?

You can view the eclipse on line if you can’t see it live at  http://www.virtualtelescope.eu/2015/03/03/4-april-2015-total-lunar-eclipse-live-event-online/


PS – This is has no astrological significance but this will be the shortest lunar eclipse of the century and will last less than four minutes.

Angela Lansbury and Karmic Marriages

I did another weekly report for Brides.com this week and it got me thinking about the Astrology of marriage.


I also had the great good fortune to see Dame Angela Lansbury in Noel Coward’s “Blithe Spirit” this weekend at the National Theatre. Ms. Lansbury returned to the theater a few years ago following the death of her husband of 54 years, Peter Shaw.

The longevity of their marriage make them rather unique marriage for Hollywood especially because both partners were in show business so I decided to peek into Dame Lansbury’s chart. Not surprisingly, I discovered that theirs was a marriage most karmic in nature.

Dame Lansbury has Aquarius opening her seventh house, the house of marriage and close relationships. She was never going to have a “normal” marriage – and indeed her first husband left her after one year because he was gay. They eloped when she was 18, he was 25, and he left her a note saying he could not continue in the charade. They did remain friends until his death in 1960. Again, that is not a normal state of affairs.

Angela Lansbury

Her second marriage to Mr. Shaw was in her own words, “perfect.” If that isn’t unique, I don’t know what is!

The karmic connection comes in from Ms. Lansbury’s South Node, her past life indicator also being in Aquarius. She knew both of these men in the past and was continuing with them for better or worse – or perhaps worse and then better.

By the way, sturdy Capricorn on her sixth house cusp, the house of health and healing, is one key to her longevity. As someone who has always wanted to be here when she grew up, I am very grateful to Capricorn

Angela Lansbury and Karmic Weddings

I did another weekly report for Brides.com this week and it got me thinking about the Astrology of marriage.


I also had the great good fortune to see Dame Angela Lansbury in Noel Coward’s “Blithe Spirit” this weekend at the National Theatre. Ms. Lansbury returned to the theater a few years ago following the death of her husband of 54 years, Peter Shaw.

The longevity of their marriage make them rather unique marriage for Hollywood especially because both partners were in show business so I decided to peek into Dame Lansbury’s chart. Not surprisingly, I discovered that theirs was a marriage most karmic in nature.


Angela Lansbury

Dame Lansbury has Aquarius opening her seventh house, the house of marriage and close relationships. She was never going to have a “normal” marriage – and indeed her first husband left her after one year because he was gay. They eloped when she was 18, he was 25, and he left her a note saying he could not continue in the charade. They did remain friends until his death in 1960. Again, that is not a normal state of affairs.

Her second marriage to Mr. Shaw was in her own words, “perfect.” If that isn’t unique, I don’t know what is!

The karmic connection comes in from Ms. Lansbury’s South Node, her past life indicator also being in Aquarius. She knew both of these men in the past and was continuing with them for better or worse – or perhaps worse and then better.

By the way, sturdy Capricorn on her sixth house cusp, the house of health and healing, is one key to her longevity. As someone who has always wanted to be here when she grew up, I am very grateful to Capricorn.

The Last Pluto-Uranus Square!

UniverseThis evening at approximately 10 PM EDT, Uranus and Pluto will make the last of seven squares since they began this crazy dance in 2012. This is the last gasp of the Grand Cross that began in early 2014 and saw Saturn, Mars also at odds with Pluto and Uranus. The first two have moved on their way leaving just the slow movers still butting heads.

Uranus-Pluto is a clash of the titans of change – Uranus demanding quick action and Pluto, the master of bidding one’s time and forcing change in his own good time. It has been a rough ride, just look around at the world and see the violent clashes of old and new.

The last time we saw a similar dance between these two was in the 1960’s and much of the unanswered work of that time has come back to haunt us. We have new threats of nuclear proliferation, ugly race clashes, environmental neglect and sexual exploitation and discrimination. The good news is that we have made some progress from the last square but we have so much further to go!  However, growth only comes from pain and we have several chances this week to manifest great personal change.

At the time of the vernal equinox – the time on new beginnings – we will also see a solar eclipse, another harbinger of awakening. If you want another excuse to manifest change in your life, there will also be a new Moon.

In these few days before the Equinox, work on the long overdue personal changes you want to manifest. Think of the positive values of each planet at work here – Uranus thinks 20 years ahead of society so who do you want to be 20 years down the road? Pluto forces us to dig deeply and root out the negative to manifest true change. What attributes do you just need to throw out now? Pluto will help you find them.


photo courtesy of freedigitalphoto.net

Spring Renewal

This week on my podcast “Astrological Cook” http://webtalkradio.net/internet-talk-radio/astrological-cook/ I promised a visual illustration of the impact of the  Vernal Equinox on  our birth charts This is a time of rebirth and renewal and it  is important to know where the universe is sending you the strongest energy of change. On the Equinox, the Sun moves into the constellation, Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. This is a huge cosmic do-over. Using a chart of the Equinox (number 1) I then created a bi-wheel (2) of the my birth chart and the Equinox showing that the Aries Sun will be in my 6th house, the house where we feed, care for and work the body. It is the house of health and domain over how we use our body to achieve our work goals. That is why I have doctor and dentist appointments this month and am carving out a space to start my new book.

Working with the energy of the universe makes our path easier.

By the way, do you know where we get the name “Easter” or the why eggs and bunnies are symbols of this time of year? Why do we eat lamb at Easter? Find out by tuning into my show this week and find out!

In the next podcast we will talk about the Equinox Solar Eclipse and Full Moon!

eclipsebiwheel eclipseu

A Pisces Virgo FULL MOON this week – Where is your Victim-Martyr Axis?

moon_full_moon_clouds_veilOn Thursday, the universe will grant us a full Moon. For the Moon to be “full,” it must be as far away as it can away from the Sun, 180 degrees. Now that the Sun is in Pisces, the Moon has to be in the opposite sign, which is Virgo. Yes, it is the dreaded Pisces-Virgo axis! I am being a little snarky here but this the traditional “Victim-Martyr” axis in Astrology.

Virgo is the victim to the service to perfection. Virgo must serve either a person or a cause and whatever they do it must live up to their sometimes-grandiose ideas of perfection. Of course, the trick is that nothing is ever perfect enough for Virgo so they can get on a downward spiral of self-criticism as they never measure up to what they high standards. The martyr aspect of this duo is Pisces, a sign that really does not like being here on Earth.

Pisces, the old soul of the zodiac, and on some level knows all there is to know about universal mystery. They have a cosmic memory of life in spirit and frankly, they prefer that existence to this one. In order to get back to spirit, Pisces will pile on the karma to get off the wheel a bit faster. You will find many people with Pisces Sun, Moon, and Ascendant allowing a person, addiction or situation to victimize them. Remember, we are talking shadow here. Not all Virgo’s are crazed perfectionists and not all Pisces are slaves but both of these signs have the propensity to exhibit some of these aspects of their signs.

A full Moon is the time for renewal and rebirth. Look at your chart and find where your personal Virgo-Pisces axis exists in your chart. For instance, if you have Virgo on the first house cusp, as your ascendant, are you still to self-critical, do you keep hiding yourself because you will never live up to your own image of perfection?

me and Full Moon

In my chart, I have the full Moon occurring between my 5th and 11th house. Where I need to review my victim-martyr response is in the arena of showing off my creative self (5th house) and my friends (11th) house. Some questions I can ask myself are, do I allow them to overshadow me, am I allowing them to think for me and am I asserting myself in a group enough. Knowing where these cosmic events are occurring in your chart assist in making the changes we need to grow. Remember, your chart is your cosmic GPS, don’t go through life with it turned off.