Election Day

On Election Day 2016, Jupiter will be in conjunction with America’s Saturn which is in the house of government and society, the 10th. Saturn loves the 10th house, it loves tradition and organization. This is one reason our country is still plodding along slowly but surely for the past two hundred plus years. We uphold traditions, the hard to amend Constitution is our supreme law. Jupiter comes in and wants to add a sense of openness, newness to things. Jupiter wants to throw open the doors allow growth. The textbook definition of Jupiter conjunct Saturn is the adding of new methodology to a staid situation. Does that point to the election of a female as President or a total radical who wants to tear it all down?

With unpredictable Uranus in militant Aries entering our fifth house of self-expression and creativity and sitting on Chiron, the wounded warrior, I do expect fireworks on Election Day and beyond. Our pain needs exposure and release. I just hope it is as painless and rewarding as possible. I hope it moves us forward.


To my clients who are in Pluto in Capricorn overload, please note that we are not even in a full Pluto “return” yet. A return is when a planet returns to where it was in the original chart. When American was “born” on July 4, 1776, Pluto was at 27 degrees Capricorn. Pluto right now is only 15 degrees Capricorn. We have a long way to go for a complete return.

Since Pluto is in our house of values and self-worth. I hope that this country takes the time before the full return, which will start around 2022, to assess our value system. Who are we – who do we want to be going forward? I believe this election is starting to force us to come to terms with the uglier sides of our society but it is just the beginning.

What is in Store for Us in the Third Debate?

The slower moving planets haven’t moved much since the first debate, of course, but we do have some shifts which both candidates should note.  Secretary Clinton has the chance to become more “friendly.” With the Sun conjunct Mercury along with Jupiter in her eleventh house, this is her time build a community. The eleventh house helps us find our tribe – come together with like-minded people and work toward some common goal. Progressed Saturn there will help her layout her plans, show that she can make an America that is opposite what Trump wants.

Her mantra should be – 90 minutes – be nice, be positive and be warm.


With Venus and Jupiter in her first she should be able to hold off on the urge to punch her opponent. However, it won’t be easy. He is going to have Mars right on his Pluto – (ironically a text book sign of male aggression only slightly outdone by a Mars/Saturn placement) right in his fifth house. The fifth is where we shine – where we take center stage. I have been hoping for him to go full mouth frothing at a debate and this is my best chance. Seriously, if he presents himself as a statesman I will be putting more credence into those stories of him being on drugs – they will have sedated him!



Ah, but is Hillary in Her North Node?

I wrote a blog entry about Donald Trump being stuck in his South Node and not moving into his current soul’s desire. Now it is time to look at the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton.

There is some controversy about the time of her birth. (There is no shock there when we are talking about the Clintons.) Some sources say she was born at 802 AM and some people say it was a PM birth. Reports are that Secretary Clinton herself has said that she was born in the evening and some say that she said it was the AM chart. Most people rely on the 8:02 AM chart since some friends corroborate it.

Born at 8:02 AM, Hillary would have a chart making her prone to secret enemies and to being very secretive. These are other reasons most astrologers use the morning chart.



Regardless of the time, we know that her South Node, where she is coming from karmically, is in Scorpio. This indicates a person who lived lives draw to passion, drama – someone who loved to be in the thick of things even if that caused great consternation. Life and death situations mesmerize Scorpios and they are always on the hunt for the next battle.

In this lifetime, she is supposed to learn the lessons of Taurus, the Bull who would prefer to smell the roses and eat good food. Taurus runs from drama and wants to experience all of the wonders of being in the physical realm. Scorpio wants intrigue – Taurus seeks a quiet place to watch the sunset.

The 802 AM places her South Node in the first house, that of personality. She loved nothing more than being in the thick of the action. It was who she was and how she lived her life.

Her North Node is in the opposing house, the seventh that of blissful relationships. Ironically, the seventh house is that which rules the domain of marriage and contractual relationships.

One would think, looking at this chart that she should not have run for President and instead settled with Bill and her grandchildren in New York. However, she may think that being back in the White House with them will bring her that peace she has long sought. I have my concerns, not about her running the country, but about realizing her Node. However, no one can judge a person’s path. I can only hope it leads to North Node contentment in some fashion.

Tim Kaine

I don’t have Mike Pence’s birth time so I can’t do an accurate chart for him. I do have one for Tim Kaine, however. Before the debate tonight let’s look at the chart of the man who wants to be our next Vice President.

Like Secretary Clinton, Senator Kaine has his Sun in the twelfth house. This is normally not a “normal” placement for a politician because it builds in a natural reserve and even secretiveness. Both Democratic candidates prefer the work instead of the “smoozing” aspect of the work. Senator Kaine benefits from Mercury conjuncting his Sun which gives him more charisma, more appeal than Secretary Clinton. In his case, it comes across as a kind of folksy charm.

With his Moon in communicative Gemini in the third house, a house that Gemini likes, no one should underestimate his ability to get his point across. He is battling two retrogrades in his fifth house – that of creativity and expression – so while he isn’t a speaker on par with a President Obama or President Bill Clinton, when he is one-on-one he gets his point across.


Neptune and Jupiter surrounding his South Node in the mystical eighth house gives him his religious and missionary zeal.  However, when I do a progressed chart – moving planets to their current position in his chart, he has a bit too many planets hitting his eighth house in the next few years. At its core, this is the house of death, dying and rebirth – so I hope he experiences more of the rebirth and personal transformation aspect of this house.

He is not flashy, he is good at hiding his brains behind a plain exterior but no one should underestimate Senator Kaine’s brains or ability to get his point across in the end.