Mercury is Squaring Saturn – A Time to Think….Then Speak


Mercury is making a disharmonious aspect, a square, to Saturn. The positive aspect is that it brings Saturn’s love of form, structure, commitment, discipline, gravity, and focus to our communicative abilities (Mercury’s purview.)

This is the time for negotiations, choosing words carefully and negotiating with care. Saturn loves to bring things in perspective and put an end on them. It acts like a knife gutting the detritus and makes us come to the point. Work on editing, cleaning out the file cabinet, answering all of those pending emails, or finishing that annoying report.

This is a time for tact and honesty – it is NOT a time to be making ad hominem attacks especially when the stakes can be war or even nuclear war. Saturn is the task master, he wants us to be concise and thorough not wild. Outrageous conversation and arguments will not have successful outcomes.

Think clearly, think honestly – and think before you speak.

Have You thought about Uranus Lately?

Even if you haven’t, he has gone retrograded recently and will remain so until early January 2018. Uranus is the guide to our revolutionary thinking – where we want to break the bonds – change things up and look at life through new eyes.


It helps to think of a planet in retrograde as a napping planet. It is a time for it rest and reevaluate its energy. The house that Uranus was at birth AND the house it is currently transiting through will tell you where for the next several months you can check your inner revolutionary.

This is the time to question yourself to find if you are you stuck in a rut and have destroyed your inner rebellious youth.  Is life too mundane – do you never have the desire to renew and refresh?

Conversely, you may be acting too overzealous – and just flitting from idea to idea – sparked by anger and the desire to not light on one issue.   It is one thing to rejuvenate your life but you need to have a plan and focus.

If you want to take advantage of this inner, quiet time of Uranus get your Uranus analysis – only $25 –

Keep the inner rebel flame primed and running smoothly.

A Perfect Time for Those Working on the Virgo/Pisces Axis

The September 19th New Moon in Virgo will form an exact opposition with retrograded Chiron. Chiron, of course, will be in the sign opposite of Virgo, Pisces. A New Moon is a great time to cast intentions. If you are someone with a good deal of energy in Virgo/Pisces in your birth chart you can work to heal the negative properties of each.

Virgo, your weak spot is the demand for personal perfection and the relentless pressure you place on yourself to never fail, never be weak – never err as all humans must.  What is at the root of your need to never give yourself credit, never allow yourself a moment in the Sun or even the smallest accolade?

For Pisces, the learning curve is to understand that you can’t escape into fantasy and must face what you most dread here. Like it or not, we are living in linear space and time and not the wonderful world of spirit. You cannot ignore that for too long.

This is a particularly good time for people with the Pisces/Virgo north and south node axis. You can leave behind the negative aspects of your south node. Make a list of the negatives and then make the intention to leave them behind.

Virgo – you need to let go and trust that you are allowed to have the grace of “god” shine upon you.

Pisces – you need to ground yourself in the realities of life in the physical plane.

Mars joins Regulus on Sept 9

During the “great American eclipse” last month much was made of the eclipse occurring in the constellation of Leo, the Lion King, and in its brightest star, Regulus. Ancient astrologers looked to Regulus as the indicator of the fortunes that would either fall or fall away from the ruler of the land. He is the “king of kings,” if you will.

On September 9, aggressive Mars will pass near Regulus just as he is exiting Leo and heading into more sedate Virgo. If you have an abundance of Mars/Aries or Sun/Leo in your chart – this is the time to be careful – to watch your temper, not do anything rash, do not get provoked.

What this will mean to current “rulers.” Trump is Leo rising with Mars on the first house cusp (anyone surprised?)

He will be feeling his Regulus oats – the question is when will he finally bite off  more than he can chew?