A Great Time to Think and Assess Words: Past and Future.

Did you feel the energy of the wonderful blood Moon lunar eclipse? I did – it really did something to my Pisces Moon and I felt a deepening of awareness into who I am and SHOULD be!

So now we have time to contemplate the Moon and Mercury because that fast mover has just retrograded in the hot sign of Leo. When we couple this with already retrograded Mercury and that Aquarian Moon, the best advice I can give is to think not only before you speak but think about words in past that may have been injudicious. It is never too late to ask forgiveness for words that hurt – even if the person is gone. With Jupiter trining Neptune – a very spiritual and expansive energy – adding to these retrogrades – review your past comments and set a course for more positive discourse, if need be.

Summer is great time to connect with both Earth and sky energy, don’t limit yourself!






The “Blood Lunar Eclipse” – July 27 – Find Your Inner Aquarius

Those of you who have been with me a long time know that I hate astrological hyperbole. I despise people who write about semi-sextiles and quincunxes and all of this nonsense instead of just using normal words everyone can understand. So you know that I am not too thrilled with all of the hype about the blood lunar eclipse.

First, during all lunar eclipses the Moon appears to turn red. The Moon has no light of its own and just reflects the Sun. When the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon it cuts off the “white” light of the Sun and appears reddish. This is nothing special to this eclipse regarding color.

This will be a longer than usual eclipse – starting on July 27 and ending the next day. The Moon, in astrology, rules our intuition and emotion. It is a very feminine energy of inward feeling and deep connection to the universe.

The Moon will be in the sign of Aquarius on July 27th. I like to think of it as a good preparation for the next few years when first Saturn and then Pluto leave the authoritarian sign of Capricorn and move in Aquarius. Right now we are knee deep on these two karmic planets forcing us to face issues of patriarchy and authoritarianism. How is that going?

Aquarius forces us to face our compassion our humanitarianism. This is the sign that wants us to work together to make positive advances. I, for one, can’t wait until we move into a more Aquarian energy!

During this lunar eclipse, why not work on the deep intuitive ways you can bring the positive energy of Aquarius into your life now. Don’t we all need it?

Not An Easy Summer-

This is a summer of major planet retrogrades. Saturn and Pluto are retrograded in stern Saturn. In addition, Vesta, the asteroid ruler of Saturn’s fellow Earth sign of Virgo, is closely behind them retrograded in Sagittarius. 

If you think this will be an easy, lazy summer the universe thinks otherwise. Pluto will be churning ever downward in almost a frenzied desire to root out the secrets of the rich and powerful. I can see Saturn metaphorically standing by with his ruler ready to slap the hands of those who have gone beyond the rules. It is indeed a day of reckoning for authority figures both in your life and on the world stage.

Vesta will be there telling us to make new rules – and reorder and reorganize our lives after this volcanic eruption.

On a personal level, look for where you are avoiding personal authority over issues and where have you allowed others to take away your power and direction. If you have a retrograded Pluto or Saturn in your chart you will feel this more than others. While this is not an easy time, it is a time to reorder and get control over your life again. 

Jupiter Finally Gets Back On Track

Jupiter stationed direct from retrograde position on July 10. When she went deep into Scorpio she dug through issues for money, sex, power and taxes.  So now in that she has stirred the soup pot of these deep issues it is up to us to shift through and make life corrections. None of these areas is “light” – there is nothing “light” about Scorpio. He dwells in the deep underworld of secrets and lies.

Jupiter only visits Scorpio once every 12 year so we don’t get to head into these “sex, drugs and rock and roll” arenas that much – and perhaps that is a good thing. However, take a minute to see what lessons she has given during this retrograde. Where are you not holding your power? Where are you giving up your resources, your value, your sexuality? Where are you generally not in control of the forces that keep your personal boundaries safe?

Don’t run away from the power of Scorpio and the expansion of Jupiter. What you may find on the other side i a new more formidable person!