Are You Honestly Ready for the Sagittarius Full Moon?

I use the word honestly because it is near and dear to the heart of a Sagittarius. Never ask a Sag. if a dress makes you look fat because they will tell you, in spades and double-downed. 

This full Moon is on the Sagittarius-Gemini or information axis. Gemini likes to gather data and disseminate it as quickly as possible. Sagittarius prefers to ruminate on each topic and get to know every single detail.

What do you do when we have a Full Moon on this axis? Evaluate how we absorb information, of course!

Here are some prompts to think about before the Full Moon on June 9. These will help you manifest the best path for you to gain knowledge and cut out the “noise” that prevents you from learning new ideas to your fullest potential. 

Remember – Sagittarius wants you to be HONEST with yourself. 

Have you been toying with the idea of going back to school or getting a degree? This is the time to stop procrastinating.
Are there classes you can take either by travelling (like a summer cooking trip to Italy?) or on the internet? Dig out those old flyers and make a decision!
Sagittarius vibrates the ninth house which urges us to explore, seek and learn our philosophical or spiritual credo. What do you believe? Can you commit your beliefs to paper? Do you need to work on developing your “truth?” 

Use this time to explore, grow and develop your ideas fully! Think big!