Astrology of Sea Gulls

Last week we made the Earth changing revelation about the astrological make up of lobsters…this week it is sea gulls. No, I am not joking.  Here in Maine the sea gulls rule to skies over the Atlantic and with their screaming squawks and cries they let you know they are around. It is hard to describe the noises they make. It is a cross between a cry and a war whoop. Mercury conjunct Uranus I said to myself – what else could make such a crazy voice! If you are old enough to remember Howard Cosell, the sports commentator, you remember his very distinctive voice. He epitomized a Mercury (the planet of communications) conjunction Uranus – the wild and unpredictable planet.  If you hear a funny voice think Mercury in Aquarius or aspected with Uranus (the planet that rules Aquarius.)

Gulls live in noisy, packed communities which they leave to scavenge for food. Fourth house cusp – the cusp of family and roots – must be opened by Aries. Aries, the ancient god of war, would be a perfect setting for a noisy, active home life occupied by scavengers! I would even say that Mars, the planet that rules Aries, is in Aries natally in the chart of our gull friends. There is just way too much male energy in those communities.

To those of you who think I may have gone off the edge with the animal astrology bit don’t worry. It is just a fun way to explain the many way astrology can play out. Besides, the only other things I have seen around here are chipmunks, moose and skunks….no matter how hard I try I just don’t have it in me to try to figure out what makes them tick.