Say Hello to the Girls – Juno – Goddess Asteroid

I thought I would end the year with a look at four of the goddess asteroids that I use in my chart readings. Juno, Pallas Athena, Vesta and Ceres are all asteroids which vibrate to the energy of the ancient Greek and Roman Goddesses. Let’s start with the lady in white, Juno. Juno is the ancient Roman goddess of marriage, the Divine Consort. (The Greeks called her Hera, the Roman’s changed her name to Juno. She was the wife of Zeus and Jupiter respectively and in both cultures she gave up a great deal of power to enter into those unions. ) The Romans named the six month, June, after her – the month that even then was a time of many weddings. She works on issues of loyalty and commitment.

When Juno makes a major transit in a chart it indicates a time of either coming together or breaking apart – depending on the aspects. June resides in the sky near the Libra and Scorpio constellations and she uses the energy of both. With Libra she seeks harmony and union – but when that union isn’t working – Scorpionic jealousy and anger can boil over. Remember, she gave up a lot to marry and sometimes that breeds unrest.

In a karmic chart analysis I look how each person’s Juno interacts. If there are negative aspects, you can be sure there was some disharmony in the past so if the two people are thinking of making a go of it again you have to hope they get it right this time!

Uranus and Juno – sitting in a tree…………

No they aren’t k-i-s-s-i-n-g but they could be. For a good portion of this year and well into the next, the planet Uranus and the asteroid Juno have been in conjunction with one another – 22 degrees Pisces. A conjunction is an aspect planets make as they flip around the ecliptic (the path we take around the Sun). These two characters have been hugging one another, both 22 degrees into the constellation of Pisces.

Ok Joan what does that all mean? Well Uranus is the planet that likes to change things up. Remember, it is the only planet that spins on it’s side. Uranus is all about sudden change, fast change – quick movement into the future. Juno is the ancient Roman goddess of marriage. She works on issues of loyality and commitment. Sounds contradicotry doesn’t it? Well, no. It just means that this is time to find new ways to commit ourselves to people and issues. More specifially, where we commit to our way of connecting to the cosmic consciousness (that is where the Psices comes in. Pisces is our portal to the Universe.)

Remember you have to look at where these two are in your particular chart to see how you will feel their effect. In my chart, they are transiting the 6th house – the house of health and day to day work. Not surprisingly I have undertaken a plan to rid myself of my allergies to nuts – and my auto immune problems. I am committing myself to change the way my body works. I am not doing this with a traditional doctor but through meditation and energy work.

Once a goat – always a goat?

Not necessarily. I thought I would go back to my South Node shadow discussion again with my old friend Capricorn! Yes, my tongue sort of is in my cheek. I have always had issues with Capricorn – he goes against my born inconoclasism. On the upside, Capricorn gives us form and structure – he controls time and bones and everything that holds us together. Capricorn make us meet obligations and color within the lines. The steady, stubborn goat keeps us moving up the mountain.

However, when people get too into their Capricornian ways – when they get into the shadow – particularly if they have a South Node in Capricorn – they can become too involved in carrying that heavy load up the hill. This can manifest as someone who feels they must always work, must always provide for everyone. They can become joyless and the epitome of a work-aholic.

Capricorn South Node people had to keep family and community together through shear hard work in past lives. They were the go-to people and while they need now to learn to go to toward Cancer in this life – using their heart instead of head – they can get stuck in that work, work attitude.

We also have to watch for the upsdie down Capricorn who tries so hard to recreate that life of order and structure that he so longs to go back there but the universe wants him to move on and – you know you can’t ever go home agian. Instead of organization this Capricorn becomes too tossed up inside and losses all track of time – always arriving late – and order- sometimes becoming a horder.

My prescription for those overly-charged Capricorns – think with your heart this time – open your heart. It is about feelings not things this time.

Happy Birthday! Solar Returns

Happy birthday to me…. Happy birthday to me…. OK you get the picture – it was my birthday this week. The anniversary of your birth is called a Solar Return in the astrology world. Why? Well because the Sun is returning to the spot it was when you were born. See, this stuff is simple.

Birthdays are a great time to cast a Solar Return chart. By comparing your Solar Return chart to your natal (or birth chart) – we get a very good idea of what issues are coming around for you this year.

What a great way to start the next year of your life!

Contact me for your Solar Return chart – or for that of a friend. Finally, a gift you can use!

What is it with you Earth signs and your “stuff”?

I just had the dubious pleasure of watching my dear Virgo rising Virgo Sun friend move from Virginia to California. The pleasure came from seeing her do something she has been aching to do for years — the interesting part was watching an Earth sign trying to part with her “stuff”!
Just because you guys are grounded and you have a connection to resources for goodness sakes doesn’t mean you have to hang on to every piece of Earth that you have come in contact with since birth!

Oh the machinations she went through – this 30 year old thingie bobbie that I got at the flea market well that has to have a home with so and so — and this book this book just has to go her.
Just dropping off crap you haven’t used in the past 2 years at Goodwill wasn’t good enough. She had to find a “home” for everything no matter how old or useless to her. It was like she was giving away her babies. The best moment came when she was agonizing over a set of pom-poms she got from a bike ride and had been sitting in a box for at least four years. With my typical Scorpio Sun sympathy I picked them up and announced, “This is what you do with them!” With that they found themselves in the trash.

It makes sense that Earth signs are attached to things – they need to feel Earth around them as a kind of security blanket. Sadly, when their emotions are out of whack they run to things to find a form of happiness. I had one dearly departed double Taurean who was a certified hoarder. After her husband died, that need for security went haywire and in a few short years her house became impassable. Another double Capricorn (Sun and rising sign) no longer allows anyone in her house because her insecurities are manifesting in a collecting frenzy.

So a note to all Earth signs – stay grounded, stay connected – just don’t become so attached to STUFF…When in doubt – pitch it!

Thanks for the Cancer scare

The question arose – what is going on in my own chart. There is no harder animal to interpret than my own chart! Right now I have transiting Juno in conjunction with transiting Uranus (both in my 6th house – the house of health as well as day to day work) opposing my natal Vesta which is in the 12th house in Virgo. Uranus and Juno are now in Pisces, the ruler of the 12th house (the keeper of the keys to the secrets of the universe) – – so this seems pretty significant.
To make matters more interesting, my natal Saturn/Juno conjunction in my 2nd house (the house of self worth and self possessions) is making a flowing aspect to the charming duo of transiting Uranus/Juno (I know that is a lot to picture but go with me here – Vesta on one side – Uranus/Juno in exact opposition and Saturn and natal Juno in between them.)

I was having a tough time with this until the universe handed me a very unique gift. Last Friday, I received a letter from the Virginia Hospital center which what I thought would be the mundane results of my yearly mammography…basically; everything is fine see you next year. This year the letter was longer and started off with, “We need you to come back for further analysis…..” Oh dear not what I was looking for! Hey thanks Uranus – you love to shake things up don’t you and there you are in my house of health. Isn’t it good enough for you that I fell flat on my face two darn times this past month???

Ok so now the mind goes in 1000 directions. Somewhere between, oh this happens to everyone occasionally and Lordie I am dead – my mind suddenly clicked on this question. How would I live my life if I knew I had cancer? What would I change? How would Cancer give me the license to be more authentic? Suddenly, I understood my planetary conundrum… Vesta is the burning heart’s desire –what we want to dedicate ourselves to. Mine is natally in the 12th house so my search for my universal truth is very important to me in this life. However, with Juno, the asteroid that shows where we dedicate ourselves to something else – where we stick to “other” sitting next to Uranus, that trickster in the 6th – the question was now clear. What parts of my life am I still too worried about what others think or how I can fit in with other people’s wishes and desires – to the neglect of my own search?

A cancer diagnoses would give me a license to be more authentic. But why did I have to lean on such a crutch? Why couldn’t I be more authentic just for the heck of it – on my own strength and willpower?

I was comforted in the few days before my follow up tests by the fact that the Uranus/Juno transit was making a harmonious relationship to my natal Saturn/Juno in the 2nd house. This is just a good lesson I said – and this will help me rely more on myself image and stop trying to see reflections in others. I kept repeating that as I waited yesterday first for the results of a second mammography and then when the technician said the Doctor wanted to take an ultrasound. I waited and repeated —. This is just a lesson to say live more authentically – live for self and say that is how you will build your self worth.

After three “lovely “ hours I heard the Doctor say that the ultrasound showed that there was nothing there – just some anomaly of the way mammography’s read certain tissue. As I thanked him for being so diligent (a sharp-eyed radiologist caught my sister’s cancer in very early stages years ago) and then melted off the table – I thanked the universe for the outcome and the lesson. Just one thing – hey Uranus can you move the heck out of my sixth house? You made your point OK?

Time Goes By So…………..quickly

A friend called me today all upset about the speed of time. “I know time speeds up when you get older but this is crazy. Thing are flying by way too fast. What is going on?

What is going on is Pluto has moved into Capricorn. Last week I mentioned how that change is and will continue to effect the structures of society. That is just one sphere of influence for Capricorn, the sign I affectionately refer to as the “Old Goat.” (Capricorn’s symbol is the goat.)
Capricorn also rules time. Makes sense, right? Capricorn rules form and structure. What structures us more than the clock, the sun rising and setting – time?

So for the next few decades as Pluto grinds through the Capricorn constellation – time is going to go a bit hay-wire. No, we aren’t going to all vanish onto another realm on Jan. 1, 2012 – I don’t care what the Mayan’s did or didn’t write. However, be prepared to see the speed of time increase and the effects of time on our bodies change.

Time stepping up its pace a bit actually started when Uranus was discovered in 1781. Uranus is the only planet that spins on its side and is associated with sudden changes and advances that move mankind relentless into the future. After it showed itself to us, the industrial and then scientific revolutions began. In the past, generations would live almost exactly like those which came before – suddenly massive changes started in the way we live and one generation would not recognize the life style of the one before. That is all thanks to Uranus.

Now that Pluto will be forcing changes to the way we see time, the “good old days” will be anything that happened last week!

Pluto – Dark and Light

As I mentioned in an earlier entry, Pluto moved into Capricorn late last year. Pluto, that cold, distant – sort-of planet, makes a huge impact on society. Because it is so far away from the Sun, it takes a long, long time to transit the solar system and stays in each sign for a good, long while. Pluto rules change and transformation and as it grinds through the solar system it makes deep changes in the areas of our lives influenced by that sign.

For example, when we baby boomers were born, Pluto was in Leo. Ruled by the Sun, Leo people want the spot light on them – they want everyone to see them shine. What better sign to birth a generation of self absorbed whiners (remember “30 Something”?) than Leo? In the early ’60’s Pluto moved into Virgo and we saw the rise of the environmental movement and huge changes in the workplace. Its recent foray into Sagittarius saw the rise of spiritualism – as well as its shadow, fundamentalism.

Capricorn rules the very structures that hold society together – our government, our banking system. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was 1762 – 1777 – a time of great revolution here in America and abroad. The most obvious sign of Pluto Capricorn this time around was the election of our first African American President. However, for every positive there is a shadow. Right now we see that play out in the tea-baggers and those people who wish to blame our current economic woes and “government take over” of business not on the guy they supported who created this mess, but on said first African American President.

A more frightening development was the death of the 51 year old census worker who was found with “FED” on his chest. That is anger at it’s worst, most irrational and tragic. Anger among people short on facts and shorter on judgement – fueled by vested interests who are out to keep their piece of the pie safe – can create situations where vigilantism and domestic terrorism reigns.

Pluto will remain in Capricorn for another 10 years – that is a long time to stir up anger. With a wise leader, we will come out the other side with great reforms to make these “big guys” more amenable to the needs of those they are to serve. With fools in charge all bets are off and uncontrolled anger can lead to many tragic circumstances like the death of the census worker, Bill Sparkman, or worse.

Let’s hope that we remain as smart as we were at the polls as we were in November 2008.

Wherefore Art Thou Mercury?

“My computer is crashing and I am losing my work!”
“I can’t complete a phone call – it keeps cutting out.”
“Everything I say is coming out garbled – my thoughts are all loopy.”

I have been hearing a lot of that lately and lay the “blame” for these little life events at the quick little feet of Mercury. It happens to be in retrograde right now – meaning that is appears to us Earthlings as we peer out into the universe to be going backwards in the sky. Of course, it isn’t going backwards but sometimes – because of how planets are spinning around the Sun – they appear to be retrograding back. It is that motion – that makes the area influenced by that planet to go a bit goofy. Retrogrades make us find a new and different path for our work.

When Mercury, which influences communications and the thought process, spins backwards a bit – we find ourselves not getting our words out the way we want, or misunderstanding others, or losing our written words. Instead of getting aggravated try to find a different way to express yourself — back up your computer and then take time to go for a walk.

Mercury will right itself on September 29 and move from airy Libra into Virgo. Libra, the sign of the Scales, adds to our mental confusion – “should I shouldn’t I, will I won’t I” but solid Virgo with its feet on the ground will make it all clear to us again.

A New Year’s Eve Blue Moon

I just wanted to give you a little heads up. On this New Year’s Eve there will be a blue moon. While there are several definitions of a blue moon, the most common is the second full Moon in one calendar month. What does this mean astrologically? Well, not much – other than the implications of any full Moon on your chart. If the full Moon is sitting on top of one of your personal planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars) then you are going to feel it emotionally whether it is blue, green or chartreuse. If BOTH full Moons in December (the first being Dec. 2, 2009) impact your personal planets, well it will be a wild holiday season for you for sure!

The reason I bring this up is twofold. One, can you imagine what a full Moon will do to already crazed New Year’s revelers? Two, I might suggest a more meaningful way to ring in 2010; instead of joining them in drunken revelry why not sit outside and look up at the beautiful Moon and see what messages it has to tell you for the future.