Election Day

On Election Day 2016, Jupiter will be in conjunction with America’s Saturn which is in the house of government and society, the 10th. Saturn loves the 10th house, it loves tradition and organization. This is one reason our country is still plodding along slowly but surely for the past two hundred plus years. We uphold traditions, the hard to amend Constitution is our supreme law. Jupiter comes in and wants to add a sense of openness, newness to things. Jupiter wants to throw open the doors allow growth. The textbook definition of Jupiter conjunct Saturn is the adding of new methodology to a staid situation. Does that point to the election of a female as President or a total radical who wants to tear it all down?

With unpredictable Uranus in militant Aries entering our fifth house of self-expression and creativity and sitting on Chiron, the wounded warrior, I do expect fireworks on Election Day and beyond. Our pain needs exposure and release. I just hope it is as painless and rewarding as possible. I hope it moves us forward.


To my clients who are in Pluto in Capricorn overload, please note that we are not even in a full Pluto “return” yet. A return is when a planet returns to where it was in the original chart. When American was “born” on July 4, 1776, Pluto was at 27 degrees Capricorn. Pluto right now is only 15 degrees Capricorn. We have a long way to go for a complete return.

Since Pluto is in our house of values and self-worth. I hope that this country takes the time before the full return, which will start around 2022, to assess our value system. Who are we – who do we want to be going forward? I believe this election is starting to force us to come to terms with the uglier sides of our society but it is just the beginning.