Happy Strawberry Solstice

We havmoone a strawberry or summer Full Moon on the Solstice this year! What a great convergence of energy – we manifest on the Full Moon and welcome the shift of the Sun into the cardinal energy of Cancer! You may not be one to wish on a star but this is the perfect time to make intentions to the universe!

As the Sun moves into Cancer this year he will have Venus tugging along at his heels.  A Sun/Venus conjunction brings heightened creativity and romance to our lives. What a perfect combination to have at the summer solstice! We can frolic in the summer flowers, have a picnic and let our imaginations run wild.

The only thing making us a bit cranky is a conjunction of Pluto and the Moon in Capricorn! Pluto on the Moon is always a prescription for moodiness. Since they are both in someone sullen Capricorn we will have to remember that summer is here and we should leave our worries behind and go play.

Uranus is also squaring the Moon making the atmosphere even more quirky – almost a tinderbox situation. We have had enough of emotional outburst these past two weeks so everyone needs to watch their responses to people.

Let Venus win this battle. It is summer – enjoy, dream and manifest!