Not done with Saturn in Scorpio?

No worries, it will retrograde back into Scorpio from its current position of zero degrees Sagittarius on June 14 and will stay there until August 1. Poor Saturn, he gets the blame for so much in Astrology. He is the old taskmaster – the bad guy who makes us eat our broccoli. (I happen to love broccoli but you get the picture.) Saturn says, do your homework, clean you room, get it together, keep working and keep your eye on the goal.


In retrograde, Saturn brings a larger dose of guilt and self-doubt.  It is when we “should all over ourselves.” I should do this and that better, I should meet that deadline, I should work harder, etc. Our fears of letting others down or of not filling our responsibilities – can get a bit out of control.

When this happens in Scorpio, we beat ourselves up about and face consequences regarding, money, personal resources, power, and relationships.

So this could be the summer of beating ourselves up OR we can take a quick assessment of these areas. Am I handling my money well, am I saving, and I overspending? Am I in control of and using my power wisely? Do it now and then tell Saturn I am spending my summer at the pool because I did my homework!