Our first New Moon of the New Year!

In addition, it is a Super Moon in 2015 meaning the Moon is as close as it can get to Earth and in alignment with the Sun and Earth. In other words, it is one powerful and bright Moon!

The New Moon is a time for manifestation because it is the beginning of the cycle and holds our eternal hope for growth and renewal. With this New Moon in the rebellious, innovative sign of Aquarius, there is no reason to limit your dreams. Be bold, be daring. Think of Aquarius as the teenager of the zodiac. Do you remember those days when the sky was the only boundary to your thinking and you were going to take on the world? You had no history – all was ahead of you. Go back and grab that energy when you make your list of manifestations. What do you want? Do it – think it – believe it – go for it. It is all new once again!

OK now that we are all happy about that I have to tell you that Mercury goes retrograde tomorrow. Yup, the little devil goes retro from Jan 21 – Feb. 11. The good news is that he will not do that quite as much as he did last year –but still. Mercury, known to the Greeks as Hermes the trickster, was the messenger of the gods and goddesses to the mortals.

Mercury always had the twinkle of the devil in his eyes, as he loved to disrupt some of those messages. He was the patron of communications, flow of money, quick travel and thieves! That is why when he goes retro – he really goes retro!

Did you know that in 1782, Mercury became the first symbol of the postal service?