Full Moon Tonight

Tonight, February 25th is the so called “Ice Moon,” the February full moon. Of course, if you live in the D.C. area  you get no snow or ice or winter…but I digress.

A moon is “full” when it is furthest from the Sun. As you can see in the chart below, the Moon is tucked away in the 12th house and all the way across the chart, the Sun is in the 6th. When the Moon escapes the light of the Sun it can shine most brightly over us.

The Moon is in Virgo in the 12th, the house of secrets. Remember too the we are in a state of retrograded Mercury. So please, please watch for communications missteps, words not said or words expressed in anger instead of peace. This is the time to think twice before criticizing and bringing up old hearts and to really, really think before you speak!

Feeling especially spiritual today?

I just had to share today’s chart with you! There is a huge conjunction or stellium of planets in the 12th house – the house that connects us with God, the Universere –  Right now, Pallas Athena, Neptune, Chiron, Venus, the Moon, Vesta and Uranus are all transiting the 12th house.  So if you feel like chucking your work and contemplate a flower go with it – there is no better time!