Full Moon Baby

My niece had her second child last week and yes, I am one of those wacky astrologers who tracks the chart and see how it moves and what the possibilities are as labor progresses. Those of you who read “In the Lion’s Den” where I chronicled my life among Leo rising people,  will be amused to learn that the new baby is Leo rising! Come to think of it, my niece is also Leo rising. Lions, lions all around!

The baby has another astrological distinction in that she was born during the Full Moon. We consider the Moon “full” when it appears totally lit and totally round and we can see it as clearly as we ever can. This is because it is the furthest from the Sun and is out of the grasp of the it’s rays. The Moon is always “full” we just can’t see it when the sunlight is normally hogging a lot of the space. On a chart, we can always spot someone born under the full Moon because the glyphs for the Sun and Moon are on opposite ends of the chart – they are 180 degrees from one another.

I was amazed when, years ago, I worked for an engineering group and learned that many nuclear power plants add extra security during the full Moon. These button down science types acknowledge that something happens to some people during that time. How astrological of them! Of course, we are all aware of the term “full Moon madness.” Since the Moon controls our emotional energy, people with high strung Moon placements do feel the difference when the she is at her most powerful.

 What does this mean for people born under the full Moon? While I am certain that my little great niece will not turn into a werewolf, she will have a hard time connecting her emotions. Expressing her emotions, understanding them, feeling and channeling them will all be hurdles for her to conquer. And during those times when the Moon goes “full” every month, if it is a constellation that activates her Natal Moon, she is going to be a bit off kilter for a day or so.

Fortunately, by making her parents aware of this they will be able to guide her over the rough spots. That is one of the most wonderful aspects of doing baby charts. Because they are road maps, they show parents what they are in for! Seriously, you don’t start a journey without a map, why start a life?

Baby charts make excellent gifts!

Hey Politicans did you hear me when I said Pluto was in Capricorn?

OK folks – listen to me – I know we don’t have court astrologers anymore but we should!
Months ago, I blogged about the changes coming when Pluto moved in Capricorn. Slow moving Pluto, takes 7 – 20 years to make its way through just one constellation and it always causes deep, fundamental changes in the world in the area influenced by that constellation. Unfortunately, no politican listened to me – apparently.

The baby-boomers, the “Me” generation were born when Pluto was in Leo – a time when people wanted to be the center of attention. Pluto in Virgo brought on the women’s movement and when it moved to Scorpio we had the sexual revolution. Fundamentalism and spirituality rose when we saw Pluto enter Sagittarius. Late last year it moved in Capricorn which rules government and the general structure of society.

Pluto came in Capricorn with a bang with the election of our first African American President. However, Pluto isn’t going anywhere for a long time — it is going to stay in Capricorn until 2023…it has just begun to foment change. The lunatic teabag movement, the general unrest of so many who feel government is working for everyone but them — these are all manifestations of this transit. Common sense will have little influence on these changes – Pluto always works from the subconscious.

Politicians who ignore this intense desire will do so at their own risk. Democrats who bicker among themselves instead of passing landmark legislation and Republicans who think they can control the teabaggers and other lunatic fringe elements will both be disappointed. The people want to be heard – they want someone to connect. President Obama, with his incredible oratory skills, has the ability to let people know that he “feels their pain”. He needs to start doing that and fast.

Void of Course Moon

Sounds pretty spooky huh? Well it isn’t – not really. However, the reason I am writing about this today is because I got a number of comments from people feeling lost and confused on New Year’s Day. There can be a hundred different reasons why a person feels out of sorts – and most have to do with what is happening in their charts at that time. When the Moon is Void of Course – it can play havoc with all of our emotions regardless of what else is happening in your chart.

So what does that phrase mean? Very simply it is when the Moon is stepping from one constellation to another and makes no aspects to any other heavenly body. ANY heavenly body that is not aspecting another is running amuck – it has no aspect to hold it in check. So when the Moon is Void of Course, our emotions (because they are controlled by the Moon) are all over the place. It is a bad time to make important decisions, sign contracts or pick that fight with your spouse. It is a time to pull back, meditate and breathe!

Void of course happens often. The Moon goes around the Earth every 28 days… so it visits each astrological constellation once every month. When it is moving from one sign to the other it is Void of Course – and that is when the fun begins. On January 1, 2010 the Moon was moving from Cancer to Leo – it was Void of Course so many people felt out of whack. If your Moon is natally in Cancer or Leo or making an aspect to them, the effect will be amplified. So every few days when you feel like tossing your computer out of the window and the dog after it – breathe… the Moon just might be on its way into another sign. It will get there soon and all will be “normal” again!

A New Year’s Eve Blue Moon

I just wanted to give you a little heads up. On this New Year’s Eve there will be a blue moon. While there are several definitions of a blue moon, the most common is the second full Moon in one calendar month. What does this mean astrologically? Well, not much – other than the implications of any full Moon on your chart. If the full Moon is sitting on top of one of your personal planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars) then you are going to feel it emotionally whether it is blue, green or chartreuse. If BOTH full Moons in December (the first being Dec. 2, 2009) impact your personal planets, well it will be a wild holiday season for you for sure!

The reason I bring this up is twofold. One, can you imagine what a full Moon will do to already crazed New Year’s revelers? Two, I might suggest a more meaningful way to ring in 2010; instead of joining them in drunken revelry why not sit outside and look up at the beautiful Moon and see what messages it has to tell you for the future.