This Weekend Venus Enters Aries

We have been hearing so much about “cardinal” signs in April I thought I would just pass along another cardinal happening. Cardinal signs are the signs of action and they initiate activity. On May 2, Venus, the planet that best exudes the energy of the feminine dharma moves into the mother (or father) of all cardinal signs, Aries.
Aries, of course, is primal male energy and ruled by Mars, so when we have Venus meeting Mars – look out! From May 2- May 28 Venus will be in Aries so if you need to put that spark back into your romance there is no better time.
Don’t neglect the creative energy of Venus or the moneymaking aspects of Venus – remember women rule the purse! If you have stagnant creative juices this is the time to restart them. It is spring – it is May, what does that old song say, “The lusty month of May.” Be lusty, be creative, be invigorating, – be cardinal!!

“End of the World” Chart

Oh come on you knew I was going to have to do it. Apparently the Mayans predicted the end of the world at 4:12 AM MST December 21, 2012. Please don’t ask me how they knew about time zones…but I guess if you can predict the end of the world, time zones are a snap.

We don’t have much time to quibble about such details now do we. Anyway, this is a pretty drab chart.  I mean you would think the end of the world would be loaded with 8th house planets – that house being the house of death, change and transformation and all. But the only thing there is Ceres the Earth Mother, nurturer. Not exactly the Grim Reaper is she.

Saturn is transiting the 12th house – the house where we connect to “god” – and Saturn is all about doing things by the book so perhaps the Mayans were trying to tell us it is a good time to be more serious about our spirituality. That isn’t a bad idea in light of the madness of recent weeks.

Scorpio will be rising and that is the sign that vibrates to the 8th house so this is a good time to set some good spiritual practices in place. However, nothing else here tells me that we should all be spending our last dollar and dancing our last jig — or procrastinating with Christmas shopping any longer.

Time Goes By So…………..quickly

A friend called me today all upset about the speed of time. “I know time speeds up when you get older but this is crazy. Thing are flying by way too fast. What is going on?

What is going on is Pluto has moved into Capricorn. Last week I mentioned how that change is and will continue to effect the structures of society. That is just one sphere of influence for Capricorn, the sign I affectionately refer to as the “Old Goat.” (Capricorn’s symbol is the goat.)
Capricorn also rules time. Makes sense, right? Capricorn rules form and structure. What structures us more than the clock, the sun rising and setting – time?

So for the next few decades as Pluto grinds through the Capricorn constellation – time is going to go a bit hay-wire. No, we aren’t going to all vanish onto another realm on Jan. 1, 2012 – I don’t care what the Mayan’s did or didn’t write. However, be prepared to see the speed of time increase and the effects of time on our bodies change.

Time stepping up its pace a bit actually started when Uranus was discovered in 1781. Uranus is the only planet that spins on its side and is associated with sudden changes and advances that move mankind relentless into the future. After it showed itself to us, the industrial and then scientific revolutions began. In the past, generations would live almost exactly like those which came before – suddenly massive changes started in the way we live and one generation would not recognize the life style of the one before. That is all thanks to Uranus.

Now that Pluto will be forcing changes to the way we see time, the “good old days” will be anything that happened last week!