I am still amazed at this election.

Now that I am somewhat caught up on my sleep I am even more amazed how much we owe Pluto. You can see in my last pre-election post how nervous I was about Mercury going retrograde on Election Day. I knew we wouldn’t have an exact repeat of 2000 but I knew suppression of voters would screw up the election.

Now look at Florida – again!  Had Pluto in Capricorn not brought out the women, the African Americans, the Latinos furious at these creepy old white men trying to stop the vote and turn back the clock we would all be sitting here AGAIN waiting for Florida not because of “hanging chads” but because they loaded up the ballot with so much crap and cut the number of voting booths.

It gives me the chills… and again I say – thanks Pluto!

A Final Word on Retrograded Mercury on Election Day

OK yes, Mercury is going to go retrograde (it will appear to go backwards in the sky) around 6 P Eastern on election night. AND the last time Mercury went retrograde – in fact the only time it went retrograde on a US election day was in 2000. (The one other time it was already in retrograde was in 1960.)

We all have nightmares of a repeat of 2000 but really circumstances don’t repeat exactly.In addition, this year  Mercury will be in “mutual reception” with Jupiter. That means that Jupiter is in Mercury’s ruler Gemini and Mercury is Sagittarius, Jupiter’s ruler.

What all this means to me is that we are going to have to watch things very carefully when the votes are being counted. Mercury retrograde is very good a screwing up computers and telephones and all things that carry information electronically. With the Jupiter influence things will be in inflated and bigger.

Jupiter is also the sign of religious zealotry so I would watch for the hard religious right to be up to some tricks

Note to all Democratic poll workers – if something looks odd trust your gut and investigate!

I personally feel the only way Romney can “win” is to steal this but hey, it isn’t like it hasn’t happened before. He has a lot of zealots on his side.

The good news is that his Mercury is more debilitated than the President’s. Also, I am counting on Pluto which is in Capricorn and has been doing it’s work shaking up authority figures who are hiding secrets (Jerry Sandusky, Lance Armstrong etc.) I am counting on Pluto to bring any organized vote stealing to public view.

Ah Pluto, I Love Ya

I am copying my last pre-election blog below. We were all on our toes yesterday and despite many attempts to suppress the vote – including keeping people on line for 8 hours in some places, machines that were flipping the votes, last minute law suits that to be filed to keep the polls open and intimidators sent to the polls, we didn’t let them use Mercury retro to take the victory away from the President. And yes, Mitt’s Mercury was more debilitated then his.

However,as I said there was not going to be any repeat of 2000 – things don’t work the same way every time.

My  biggest thanks is to my favorite planet Pluto – Pluto in Capricorn is doing its work – shaking up the authority structures of old. I was counting on you Pluto and you came through!

Now it is time to sleep! 🙂 More later.

A Final Word on Retrograded Mercury on Election Day

OK yes, Mercury is going to go retrograde (it will appear to go backwards in the sky) around 6 P Eastern on election night. AND the last time Mercury went retrograde – in fact the only time it went retrograde on a US election day was in 2000. (The one other time it was already in retrograde was in 1960.)

We all have nightmares of a repeat of 2000 but really circumstances don’t repeat exactly.In addition, this year  Mercury will be in “mutual reception” with Jupiter. That means that Jupiter is in Mercury’s ruler Gemini and Mercury is Sagittarius, Jupiter’s ruler.

What all this means to me is that we are going to have to watch things very carefully when the votes are being counted. Mercury retrograde is very good a screwing up computers and telephones and all things that carry information electronically. With the Jupiter influence things will be in inflated and bigger.

Jupiter is also the sign of religious zealotry so I would watch for the hard religious right to be up to some tricks

Note to all Democratic poll workers – if something looks odd trust your gut and investigate!

I personally feel the only way Romney can “win” is to steal this but hey, it isn’t like it hasn’t happened before. He has a lot of zealots on his side.

The good news is that his Mercury is more debilitated than the President’s. Also, I am counting on Pluto which is in Capricorn and has been doing it’s work shaking up authority figures who are hiding secrets (Jerry Sandusky, Lance Armstrong etc.) I am counting on Pluto to bring any organized vote stealing to public view.

A Final Word on Retrograded Mercury on Election Day

OK yes, Mercury is going to go retrograde (it will appear to go backwards in the sky) around 6 P Eastern on election night. AND the last time Mercury went retrograde – in fact the only time it went retrograde on a US election day was in 2000. (The one other time it was already in retrograde was in 1960.)

We all have nightmares of a repeat of 2000 but really circumstances don’t repeat exactly.In addition, this year  Mercury will be in “mutual reception” with Jupiter. That means that Jupiter is in Mercury’s ruler Gemini and Mercury is Sagittarius, Jupiter’s ruler.

What all this means to me is that we are going to have to watch things very carefully when the votes are being counted. Mercury retrograde is very good a screwing up computers and telephones and all things that carry information electronically. With the Jupiter influence things will be in inflated and bigger.

Jupiter is also the sign of religious zealotry so I would watch for the hard religious right to be up to some tricks

Note to all Democratic poll workers – if something looks odd trust your gut and investigate!

I personally feel the only way Romney can “win” is to steal this but hey, it isn’t like it hasn’t happened before. He has a lot of zealots on his side.

The good news is that his Mercury is more debilitated than the President’s. Also, I am counting on Pluto which is in Capricorn and has been doing it’s work shaking up authority figures who are hiding secrets (Jerry Sandusky, Lance Armstrong etc.) I am counting on Pluto to bring any organized vote stealing to public view.

Sandy is NOT the Election Day Mercury Retrograde

OK I have been getting questions this weekend about Sandy being the result of Mercury going retrograde on Election Day. In a word, nope. First, Mercury isn’t “stormy”. Storms from the sea are a Neptune thing – remember his name was Poseidon under the Greeks? Right now Neptune has just slide into Pisces, the sign it rules, and is retrograded, so there is a lot of funky negative power churning there. 
Also, Mercury is so small and fast moving that, unlike the bigger guys, his energy is not felt early so it is not the rumblings of him soon to turn retrograde. Whatever happens on Election Day because of Mercury retrograde will be felt only then. I think the retrograde will show with voter suppression tactics and people “playing” with polling booths. My hope is that Pluto in Capricorn will reveal these tactics as it has been with the nonsense going on in Florida and the courts overturning the attempts to keep people from the polls in Ohio, Pennsylvania and elsewhere.
FYI, Neptune is transiting President Obama’s 1st house so it will affect his ability to express himself (although he can overcome that with a kick ass emergency work.) From Romney it is in his 10th house the house of government and career…so of course I hope it will put a damper (sorry for the pun, sort of) on his career desires.
To that, please take a look at Mitt’s belief on the role of Federal emergency response! http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2011/06/14/244973/mitt-romney-federal-disaster-relief-for-tornado-and-flood-victims-is-immoral-makes-no-sense-at-all/

After all, Mercury IS the communicator!

Stay safe all.

Mars and Juno and Deodorant

Acacia Blossom
Courtesy of arlenew.com

The ONE thing that tripped me up in this series of Presidential debates was my thought that the warrior god Mars conjunction to the loyalty goddess Juno would make Mitt Romney come out like big pappa protector at the last debate on foreign affairs. I didn’t know then that internal polling was showing that macho act of his was turning off women and they made him tone in way down. (I think all that Mars energy was the cause of this “flop sweat” – it had to come out somehow.)  Instead what happened is that Romney became loyal to something else – well actually someone else – and that was President Obama. All night long he told us how he agreed with everything the President has done.

We don’t always have to listen to our stars. I often tell people this is a good time to do something and they say later, I should have listened to you. That is called free will.

Just be sure of one thing if you fail to follow the energy of the universe — invest in a good antiperspirant.

Mitt – Big Daddy – 3rd Debate

Which Mitt will show up tonight? I believe it will be I am father protector -provider Mitt. Don’t worry little women, this President may have pulled us out of two wars and killed Bin Laden but I Super Mitt will protect you!  He has that Mars/Juno conjunction that is going around in his 7th house, the house of personal relationships. He is going to do his darnedest to use that and his transiting Saturn/Sun conjunction in Scorpio in his 6th to be big Daddy protector.

With the Saturn/Sun deal in Scorpio and his Uranus still retrograded in 10 the lies and sneakiness will come fast and furious. You think he had Romnesia before? The President is going to have to be on his toes and he alert every second to keep catching him in the malarkey or his plan will work.

He has a lot of things hidden – he is going to try a surprise tactic on the President.

The other thing I would also tell the President is to jab him – get under his skin and irritate that transiting Moon in Aquarius. Mitt can go too far tonight – be too mean, too snarky, too full of it. Push push him – let him take the extra step – let him slip and let wacky Aquarius make him say what he didn’t want to. That is my biggest hope for the night.

The Final Debate – Thank Goddess….

courtesy of arlenew.com

Here it is — the final debate… between oh you know who, Oct 22, 2012, 9p in Boca Raton.

OK let me get this out front, the President has an odd conjunction on the cusp of the 8th and 9th houses, the house of personal power and transformation and international affairs. He has transiting Saturn and transiting Sun straddling that cusp in Scorpio. These two together gives him a self-discipline BUT it can also limit self-expression. He has got to practice, practice, practice. Perhaps by blowing off debate practice for the first one will make him more dedicated this time but he can NOT wing it. He has to be as well prepared or more so than he was for debate two or Romney will get away with fabrications again. 
The good news is that the transiting Sun and progressed Pluto are also conjunct in the 8th giving him incredible drive and energy. This is like an either or situation – gangbusters or tongue-tied there will be no in between.
With Mars and Neptune conjunct in Scorpio in the 9th house his charisma will be at its peak. He is also going to be looking to dig up the information (Scorpio) that will lead to another “gotcha” moment. He knows more about foreign affairs than Romney and he is going to find ways to prove it. This isn’t going to be a war of raw emotions and as a war of information, knowledge and statesman ship, “I know this, I can do it, you are an amateur so get out of the way.” 

I love the Mars, Mercury, Venus conjunction on the 7th – 8th house cusp – this is a signature for strong, communications in a way that people can understand. Being, in Virgo, the “worker-bee” again shows we are not looking for prose but for nitty gritty details.  He wants to kill with knowledge. 
Permit me to get a bit “Oookey spooky” here. I preface this by saying my theory is based on nothing but my gut instinct – you aren’t going to read this theory in any text book and I have no idea if this is at all valid but what the heck..  In his first house the President has the Part of Fortune (karmic reward) conjuncting his Midheaven (career indicator) and his natal South Node, where he is coming from previous life-wise. If you have read this blog for a while you will know that I believe the President is the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln. Will we see something that makes us say that was Lincolnesque or what he just said comes from a different place? When he is talking about war and sacrifice and honoring the war dead will we see some indication that he feels this on a deeper level – like the level or a man who saw bloodshed in his country at an unprecedented level?  I don’t know – again this is just a “Joan theory” but I am going to be watching to find out.

Mitt Debate 2

Remember I mentioned that President Obama has that Mars Juno conjunct in the 10th house? Well for Mitt Romney it is in the 7th house and conjuncting his progressed Neptune. He is going to do a better job at connecting with individuals then expected at this debate. His Moon is also conjuncting Mercury so he is going to be “feeling your pain” all over the place.

I only hope that people will see the “Malarky” behind it – (Neptune.) Mars and Neptune together can help someone spin a rather mystical yarn but it can also make a person so full of cow pies that they are called out on it. The time is ripe for him to make a really dumb comment…oh please do it – please. Darn that Saturn Sun conjunction – that just might be enough to keep him from going too far.

This is the key to the debate, however – how quickly will Romney be called on his lies and lie he will continue to do. That transiting retrograded Neptune is in his 10th house – the house of career and government is what has been fueling his propensity to lie. We need to hear a lot of “Now wait that is not what you said last month” – from President Obama to call him on his crap.  Romney also has Jupiter conjunct his ascendant in his first house. This is the typical sign of “illusions of grandeur.” 
The President needs to counter every lie with a fact one right after another for him to totally prevail in this debate. 

President – Second Debate – Fire This Time

Take heart depressed Democrats President Obama has Mars and Juno conjunct in his 10th house and they are in a fire sign. What? That doesn’t excite you? How about Sun conjunct Pluto in the 8th? OK OK. The good news about the President’s chart is that with Mars and Juno in the 10th, he is going to be focused on his career and his need to protect it! Unlike last time when he looked like he was on Nyquil, the President is going to be blazing. The Sun and Pluto in the house of transformation and personal power gives him a fighting edge as well.

He will continue to have to deal with that retrograded Neptune in the 1st house – but I am counting and praying on his fierce competitiveness and desire not to lose to a boob like Romney to overcome that disconnectedness that Neptune can cause.

He also has a Moon, Mars, Mercury conjunction in the 9th that will keep his flame ignited.

Don’t expect a Joe Biden-esque performance, first that isn’t the President’s style and also the GOP can’t wait to call him the “angry black man” to fire up their base. However, you will see some smiles and then a “But wait a minute”, or “You say that now but….”

The First Presidential Debate – Mitt

The first presidential debate will soon be upon us. It will be held October 3, 2012 in Denver Colorado at 7:00 PM local time.

Mitt Romney is still facing a few chart hurdles that have been around for a while. His Neptune is still retrograded in the 10th house, the house of career and government. Neptune will go direct right after Election Day, November 10. Retro, Neptune causes all kinds of confusion and illusion, even more than it normally does. There are no boundaries, no limits – no sense of reality. When it is in your 10th house, you actually believe you can do the things you say you can at work. Mitt is believing the stuff he is saying….really! It is too bad for him few others do. So expect a few more whoopers coming from him debate night.

I think the chance of him downright lying during debate night is increased because Jupiter has just crossed into his 3rd house, the house of communication. Jupiter is all about expansion and growth. In the third house it can make for a golden tongue or a big liar. I am going against the golden tongue option here because Mitt also has natal Saturn in his 3rd. Saturn is all about restriction – the exact opposite of expansive Jupiter. He will never be a silver tongued orator. With progressed ascendant conjuncting Saturn now in his chart, I can’t imagine him becoming sparkling and bubbly in speech.

By the way, poor Mitt can’t help switching his ideas and words at every turn. Look at his natal first house. He has Uranus in the 1st in Gemini. Uranus is the quick change artist, the quirky, changeable planet. He could try to come  with a new improved Mitt. Gemini is the communicator – how can he keep his stories straight? But with his Sun conjunction Saturn in his 5th – the house of creativity and play – he is still going to be old Mitt in a new jacket.

Next time – President Obama on debate night.