Mitt Romeny – Uranus and Gemini In The First

I assume I will be talking a lot about Mitt in 2012. Although my progressive heart would love to see Newt as the GOP nominee I do think they will eventually nominate a beaten and bruised Romney.

One knock on Mitt is his shall we say flexibility. He has the amazing talent to be all things to all people – liberal governor of Massachusetts and author or “Romneycare” or conservative businessman. He adapts for the occasion.

Well no wonder! He has as an ascendant or rising sign – Gemini, the sign of duality and the twins. The ascendant is how we present ourselves to the world. Remember, in the ancient days the Sun Sign was a triviality. Who you were was determined mostly by the first house – the ascendant. This is a much better way of doing Astrology than the modern fascination with the Sun.

Also, in his first is wild and crazy Uranus, the electric, quick change artist! How can he not be a chameleon! His first house is all about change and duality…perfect for a politician but not in the days of instant replay when the many opinions can be played against one another.

Stay tuned…

Solstice Time

I love winter Solstice  – it is a time of rebirth in the midst of stillness and “death” and is the ultimate of optimistic universal events. This year the Solstice will actually take place around 12:30 AM on the 22nd of December. That is when the Sun moves into 0 degrees Capricorn.  Looking at the Solstice chart I am seeing alot of unsettled energy around Uranus and Pluto (which will be hugging the Sun for at least the first week into the Solstice.)

Now I tend to be a wee more pessimistic than some – that is the Scorpio Sun in me. I had a discussion with another astrologer today who sees this chart as some kind of awakening where people come together and put aside some differences in a Christmas week sing around the Christmas tree like a bunch of Whos.  He actually said politicians may come together and do something good for America! Silly boy.

I see it is something “big” happening between the 26th and 29th – some group or person pushing the limits so much that more than just the “Occupiers” will want to do something. I see the Uranus square Sun/Pluto as a real explosive energy and the Neptune, Vesta, Chiron conjunction in Aquarius being the “birth” of a new cooperative energy but from the ground up not the top down.

So sit tight and see who eats crow just before the new year.

Happy Holidays ALL!!

Thank you Lord – we have Michelle Bachmann’s Chart!!!!!

Michelle Bachmann was SO intent on proving to everyone that she was a “real” American unlike you know who in the White House that she proudly told the “Des Moines Register” that she was born “at 12:08 on July 6.” We have a time – but like so much of Mickey Girl – it is half-baked. Is it AM or PM? Well-armed with at least some kind of time, we hand maidens of Satan, astrologers, cracked open our computers to see if we can figure out which is more plausible. After reading several analyses and studying the possibilities, I concur with a majority of political astrologers that it was noon. Besides, if you are born at midnight most people would say midnight or 12:08 in the morning. By just saying 12:08 it sort of implies noon to me.

Also, the noon time chart places Jupiter in the 5th house – a perfect place for someone to manifest many children. (Mia Farrow has the same placement although I think her style of raising children (I refuse to say parenting) might be a tad different than Mickey Girl’s.
Most importantly, the noon chart places her rising sign – how she projects in the world – as Aries – the archetype of aggressive, militant dominant energy. Uh Duh? The ruler of Aries, Mars, is in Pisces in the 12th house in her chart. The 12th house is how we connect to the universe, the god-source. Mars in Pisces is one of those funny oxymoronic placements – it makes one feel like a warrior for God. Because Pisces vibrates to the 12th house she has a double dose of this spiritual warrior stuff that flows right out into the world. (I could say that craps all over the world but I am really, really trying to be nice here.)
Even spookier – she has a retrograded Neptune (ruler of Pisces) conjunct her Vesta in the 7th house. In English, that means that she is dedicated (Vesta) to bringing her somewhat deluded spiritual views to people on a very personal level (7th House.) In other words, she is frustrated proselytizer. She really believes this stuff. It is a part of her big time.

The bad news for liberals is her Venus (albeit it retrograded), Mercury conjunction in Gemini in the 3rd house – the natural house of Gemini. Retrogrades remember are pauses for karma and they cause the person to have issues in these areas that they should reflect upon and work out.). Venus, the goddess of beauty along with the communicator Mercury in Mercury and in Mercury’s house means she is not to be underestimated when it comes to her ability to communicate. She has some talents in that area.

The good news is that with these retrogrades and with the arrogant Aries rising she will say things that will shock anyone comfortable with living in a world that has progressed past the year 1510. It won’t be because she is a goofball a la Palin; it will be because she believes them and is arrogant enough to think everyone should believe her word too. With her South Node also in Gemini, she has lots of life times of communicating to people and sadly she doesn’t think she is done with that yet.

Uranus is now in Aries – Will Progressives Hear It?

courtesy of

Ok kids all excuses are now mute – Uranus is in Aries and will live there for the next seven years. Think of that balance of energy – Uranus the rebel, the harbinger of the unexpected mixing with Aries the epitome of raw, warrior energy! Wow. It is a cliché but I have to say it, “Expect the unexpected.” Remember that Uranus is the only planet that orbits the Sun on its side not up and down. Is that goofy or what? Notice I didn’t say it would bring “good” or “bad” things – just new and different. Whatever happens it is best to accept it and grow.

The most exciting part about this for me is that I think people will become more energized to work for the betterment of humanity. I truly believe that the days of a few trying to funnel the money of the middle class to the rich, the days of the left being cowed to stay silent while the radical right destroys our economy and works hard to bring us back to the dark ages socially may finally run their course. Uranus has a heart – it is the humanitarian of planets and the sign it rules, Aquarius, supports group activities on behalf of social betterment.

With Neptune soon moving into Pisces and bringing that sense of the “little guy” standing up against all odds and this crusading energy of Aries fueling Uranus we should see a rejuvenation of the progressive sensibility. If the left doesn’t mobilize now they never will because they also have Pluto still in Capricorn – demanding change in authority structures and bringing secrets to light.

The stars are aligned kids; you have to do the rest!

State of the Union

This Wednesday, the 27 of January will see President Obama’s first State of the Union address. (Last year really wasn’t a State of the Union because he was only President a few weeks.) Besides, the State of the Union was in such a shambles that no one would want to have to talk about it – especially the guy who didn’t mess things up.

If you listen to the Talking Heads on television — something I would not advise anyone do because it just isn’t good for the body, mind or soul — this is already a failed President. Obama is a man fighting for his political career. While this is the usual hogwash on cable, the President himself has said they walked into a “buzz saw” last week with the astounding election of tea bagger Scott Brown in Massachusetts.

So what do the stars have in hold for the President when he makes this important speech? To find out, I ran a tri-wheel with his natal chart in the middle – August 4, 1961 1-6pm in Honolulu, HA – and yes, that is in the United States! In the center is his progressed chart – how those natal planets have moved since his birth. Progressed charts are unique for each person. On the outside are the current transits. — where the planets will be over Washington D.C. Wednesday night.

The first thing that jumps out at me is that transiting Uranus is right over (in conjunction with) his progressed Juno in the 5th House – the House of creativity. Uranus is the quick change artist. It creates inspiration but is like a thunderbolt – it is fast and scattered. Juno is the consort – where we make unions. This is a highly charged placement because you have Uranus energy interjecting itself into all of your joint activities. It creates change and excitement – but also detachment. Uranus is all about personal freedom.

So he is going to have a hard time connecting with the common man. Lots of energy – no place to go.

Venus and the Sun will be in conjunction in his 3rd House – the House of communication. That will help make his words, which are naturally melodious due to his natal Jupiter/Saturn conjunction there. However, both are in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) so again he is going to have to bring them down – bring them down. Get his thoughts out of the clouds and start feeling some pain a la Bill Clinton.

Vesta, the asteroid indicating the burning heart’s desire, is in his 10th House – the House of career status and government is in Virgo and conjuncting all of the planets he has natally in the 10th (Pluto, Uranus, North Node). So he wants to buckle down and work on the nitty gritty of government.

Let’s hope he works hard to lasso Uranus and bring down his lofty wishes on Wednesday night to knock it out of the park. If not, he has a strong chance of saying a lot of pretty words that don’t resonate.

3rd Presidential Debate

Tsk, Tsk, John McCain – you didn’t read my blog and you let that anger sneak out just as I predicted. Your “that one” comment, referring the Senator Obama, while ignored by the corporate controlled main stream press, was one of those debate errors that will live in infamy. It also cemented in the minds of many of us what we have believed for a long time – that you hold your competitor in some contempt.

As we turn our eyes toward Hofstra University and the Oct 15 debate, we see many of the same dynamics as we did in the first debate. Basically, there aren’t a lot of aspects floating around these two men so it should be another bland debate.

The strongest aspect Obama has is a conjunction between transiting Saturn, his natal Mars and progressed Sun all in Virgo and all in the 11th house – the house of social contacts and group activities. This is going to give a lot of force and structure to his passion – he will be able to clearly outline what he wants to get across to people. The caution here is to keep the fires tamped down – don’t be too preachy, too picky. With his Moon semi square transiting Uranus – he will have to work hard to keep his famous cool as he will be burning with nervous energy.

Senator McCain has transiting Saturn squaring his Venus at the time of debate. His hopes for appearing youthful and open will be dashed – as he will come off more pedantic and grandfatherly than his handlers will desire. And with Moon square his natal Sun and his Mars square transiting Uranus his emotions, his anger can all boil over to make him come off not only grouchy but desperate and harsh.

Obama needs to stay cool, add a touch of levity and play out the clock!

Saturn – Uranus – The Past and Future of the Presidential Election

On election day 2008, Uranus and Saturn will be in exact opposition to each other. That is, they will be directly across from one another on their path around the Sun. The choice has been written in the stars – old and new across from one another. Which way will we go?

Saturn is all about tradition, and doing things by the book – all about form and structure. Uranus is new, electric and represents upheaval and change. I don’t have to tell you which candidate is represented by each do I? The fact that we have the elder McCain, and the young, unique Obama as our choice seems to have been written in the sky!

To add some mystery to it all – Pluto is making a move in Capricorn. Actually Pluto moved into Capricorn briefly this year but quickly retrograded back in Sagittarius where it will remain until after the election. Pluto is the harbinger of slow but deeply felt transformations and because it moves so slowly around the Sun, it stays in a sign for years, sometimes decades. When Pluto was in Sagittarius we saw the rise of spirituality around the world – as well as fundamentalism. (To everything there is a positive and shadow aspect!) With Pluto moving in to Capricorn we will see changes in those structures that control society – government and the financial infrastructure to name two.

I saw one of the best albeit unwitting explanations of this Pluto-Capricorn placement in the commentary section of the October 7, 2008 edition of “The Nation” Magazine written by William Greider. “Our country is at a rare and dangerous juncture. The old order is crumbling, and virtually all centers of power that govern us have been discredited by events.”

The last time Pluto was in Capricorn we had the American and French Revolutions… does that tell you something about Pluto power?

But Joan, you say, you told us Pluto has moved back in Sagittarius so what is all of that talk about Capricorn? Well, I did say that – but I said it was just retrograding back for a short time. In fact, I believe that dip back into Sagittarius manifested as Gov. Sara Palin being named as VP nominee by John McCain. It was a life line tossed by the McCain campaign to the religious fundamentalist groups who are currently in control of our government. Hopefully the rope will slip from the hands on both sides.

There is no doubt, Pluto will bring change to governmental and societal structure and change is always painful. We are going to have to fasten our seat belts tightly as everything we once believed in and trusted is shaken to the core. This won’t be fun.The choice is ours – in our fear do we follow Saturn back to an even more restrictive and authoritarian government or do we hold on to Uranus and have it guide us to a more open, exciting and humanitarian government?

Is Barack the Reincarnation of Lincoln

Unfinished Business

February 28, 2008 -updated April 27, 2011

Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) is in danger of facing her political Armageddon in Texas and Ohio on March 4. If Buckeye and Lone Star voters send her on a long journey back to New York empty handed instead of back to the White House, she can take heart that she did not lose to just a self-styled “skinny kid with a funny name.” If she loses, her defeat will come at the hands of the Great Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln. Well, sort of.

Soulsign Astrology* has at its core the knowledge that the soul is eternal and that we incarnate in this schoolhouse of Earth to learn lessons that, if conquered, will propel us on an upward karmic path toward, to use the Buddhist terminology, Enlightenment. We come back to fulfill the soul’s desire to grow and to increase experiences in the physical realm. Therefore, while the person dies, the body dies, the soul reincarnates into another human existence. Each individual life happens just once and each incarnation is different. Therefore, while it is not Abraham Lincoln running for President in 2008, Senator Barack Obama (D. IL) is very likely the reincarnation of our 16th President. A different man, a different life but the same soul. (Note: When I wrote this in Feb of 2008, he was Senator Obama; from now on I will refer to him with his current title, President Barack Obama.)

When President Obama launched his presidential bid on a freezing February morning at the Old State Capitol Springfield, Illinois where Lincoln delivered the famous “house divided against itself speech” was he just employing brilliant political stagecraft or was he subconsciously harking back to his own “mystic cords of memory?” It was a bit of both.

On the surface, it would make more sense for a man who reached the pinnacle of American politics to incarnate into a different set of circumstances. If the soul is to learn and progress it would seem that it would say, in essence, been there done that, now what is next? However, there are reasons why one could come back to the same country and in the same profession as before.

Some souls can get stuck. Human emotion, anger, revenge, karmic retaliation toward others weighs on them so that the soul does not move on. Free will once in the physical realm can keep a person on a gerbil wheel of repeating the same life scenarios with the same people. Human weakness often trumps the soul’s desire for growth.

Others have unfinished business on Earth due to circumstances beyond their control. For instance, if an assassin’s bullet destroys a man at the moment his beloved country is on the precipice of peace and unity after years of bloody darkness and his death kills the possibility of a peaceful Reconstruction and leads to a century of Jim Crowe, lynching’s and poll taxes. Instead of being stuck, this person might reincarnate again with the same oratorical passion and political brilliance, not to mention fierce ambition, he had when he was here before to finish the job. How better to be a vehicle for unity, then as a multiracial, multi-cultural man? What better time to come back to power then when the country is involved in another hateful war and is in desperate need of solidarity and hope after years at the hands of hate and fear mongers? What better karmic reward for the man who saved the Union then to come back to restore it to pass luster? What better karmic justice for the President credited for freeing American slaves, then to be the first African American President?

It is of interest that both Lincoln and Barack Obama came to national awareness from a political base in Illinois. (Although Obama achieved something Lincoln never could, that is, win a seat in the United States Senate. Lincoln tried for the Senate and was defeated twice. He came to the White House after serving just one term in the U.S. House of Representatives to a chorus of his opponents foretelling the dire consequences of having a novice at the helm at such a dangerous time.) The fact that one transformational speech propelled each to prominence, Obama at the 2004 Democratic Convention, Lincoln at the 1860 Young Men’s Republican Union at Cooper Union Hall is also informative. However, Soulsign Astrology relies on more than just “coincidences” between two figures. Without strong correlations between their charts, without a soul connection, we have nothing more than a list of interesting factoids. #. The proof must be in the stars and their birth charts.

Abraham Lincoln was born on a stormy Sunday morning, February 12, 1809 in Hodgenville, Kentucky. While some charts show a birth time at 7:00 AM, which would place his chart in somewhat of an alignment with Barrack’s, others record the birth at 2:00 AM, a much more direct alignment. We have to remember that recording the time of birth of the child of a poor farmer delivered in log cabin on a bed of cornhusks on the American frontier was not a high priority. Often late night-early morning births were recorded only when a midwife or preacher could arrive the next day. It is doubtful Lincoln knew the correct time of his birth. His beloved mother died when he was a boy and his relationship with his father so distant that he failed to attend the elder Lincoln’s funeral.

The 7:00 AM time comes from one source, a woman named Peggy Walters described as an old midwife, a distant aunt, a 20-year-old neighbor or the daughter of the actual midwife Mary Brooks Enlow. At some point in her life, presumably when Mr. Lincoln came to prominence, she said that he was born “sometime around sun-up.” It is a fair assumption that she probably was 20 years old when he was born, was asked the question some 51 years later when Lincoln became President and was relying on an old woman’s memory for the answer. Whether she was at the actual birth has never been proved and for all we know her mother, the real midwife, returned to her house hours after the child’s birth and that is what she remembered a half century later. This is hardly a reliable source.

The 2:00 AM birth time also makes for a chart that mirrors Lincoln’s personality. It places Neptune the ruler of Pisces in the 1st house, the rising house. The rising house, the ascendant, signifies our outward personality. The Sun sign, so important to armchair astrologers today, is an illustrator of a person’s life force, their internal energy. However, the ancient Sumerians, the inventors of Astrology, did not give it special emphasis. The Sun’s light actually interfered with their ability to see the other stars and planets and they really did not pay much attention to it. A person’s rising sign was of more interest. Pisces is the sign of the martyr, the greatest payer of karmic debt. Pisces also deals with dreams and the spiritual world, cosmic awareness – the etheric. Abraham Lincoln, the first martyred President, was famous for his prescient dreams, even the one that foretold his own death.

This chart also places his Saturn in the 12th house (the house of karma and the cosmic consciousness, ruled by Pisces) on the cusp of his rising house, a common location for someone prone to depression or “melancholia” as it was termed at the time. A Saturn 12th house person would also carry a “mystical presence” about him and seemingly be able to tap into cosmic realms unavailable to mere mortals.

In addition, the 2: 00 AM birth time activates his third house, the house of thought and communication by placing his Sun and Mercury there, two markers of someone with the gift of speech. How else could a man educated in a one-room frontier, “blab school” write words that bring goose pimples to the soul as does the “Gettysburg Address” or his second Inaugural address to name just a few?

The 7:00 AM birth time leaves his third house empty – a very unlikely scenario of a man who built and saved his political career on his oratorical abilities and whose speeches will ring through history as long as there is an America. It also places his Saturn in the 9th house, which would have him more drawn to the position of Secretary of State or foreign ambassador than a man who never traveled beyond the confines of North America.

Sadly, the 2;00 AM chart places Lincoln’s Mars (warrior energy) in the 8th house – the house of death and rebirth – in a conjunction with Uranus, a strong designator for a fast, unexpected and violent death. His Mars in Libra – the sign most associated with other people, foretells a violent death at the hands of another.

Today, April 27, 2011, thanks to the lunatic birthers we now know the President’s birth time! See, I knew they had to have SOME value somehow! President Obama was born in Honolulu on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM. And yes Hawaii was and is a STATE.

When I found out his correct time – not the time many astrologers had presumed, I wondered if my theory still held. Is Barack Obama the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln? And the answer – yup, I am still pretty darned sure he is.

The fastest way to examine a past life is to look at the Nodes. A Node is where a planetary body intersects with the ecliptic, the plane in space formed by the orbits around the Sun. In Soulsign, we reference the Nodes of the Moon as it travels on the ecliptic around Earth. The South Node shows us what type of life from which a person comes. Pluto reveals the soul’s desired incarnation, the South Node tells us how and if the person manifested the desire when in the physical form. The North Node indicates where a person should be going in order to fulfill the current soul’s desire.

President Obama’s South Node would need to correlate to Lincoln’s life force with either his Sun or rising sign energy. It does not disappoint. His South Node is in Aquarius in the first house. Abraham Lincoln born on Feb 12 had his Sun in Aquarius. Therefore, his South Node – Barack’s immediate past life force was in Aquarius – correlating exactly to Lincoln’s Sun energy. He was in his immediate past life a person who was born under the Sun sign of Aquarius. That is two direct connections to Abraham Lincoln. Adding an extra connection is it’s placement in the first house. The first house is what has the most influence on our personality- it shows how we project in the world. Someone with a strong first house is someone with a very unique personality. Well he has been dead for over 150 years and everyone still knows who Lincoln was. I would say that is pretty unique!

Can we reverse the process and look at Lincoln’s North Node to find another correlation with President Obama? We can and it too works. Lincoln’s North Node is in Scorpio, and on President Obama’s chart Scorpio “opens” the 10th house – the house of government and authority figures. Lincoln’s soul was progressing toward a Scorpio experience. Lincoln’s North Node was in the 11th house – the house dealing with cultivating unique and revolutionary group activities in the social and political arenas. It is safe to say that his soul using the Obama existence is getting to know what is like to move people in a revolutionary group force to change government. He held the Union together now he wants to continue by bringing much needed change to the way it operates. (When I wrote this in 2008 we still had more hope. Now in 2011, we realize the lunatic fringe just won’t go away and the battle will be hard, hard fought.)

Just as President Lincoln had a very strong 3rd house – the house of mental ability and communication, President Obama has a powerful conjunction of Vesta, Ceres and the Moon there. This is a placement that signifies the ability to dedicate the self to nurturing people through his ability to emotionally express himself.

These factors when added to the similarities and coincidences joining each man’s life, including the early loss of a Mother and distance from a father, spell out a soul connection. President Obama has Saturn in the 12th house as did Lincoln but its more serious aspects are mitigated by being in conjunction with expansive optimistic Jupiter. He also shares Mars in the 8th with Lincoln, which doesn’t make me happy. However, it is in a less volatile sign of Virgo and there is no negative interception with Uranus.

It is amusing to see that this time around Obama got a Harvard education. It was one of Abraham Lincoln’s great shames that he had a backwoods education so much, so that he forced his eldest son Robert, to go to Harvard and Harvard Law School, although he did not finish the latter. One of the many battles Robert had with his parents was over there constant pressure to get the education not available to them. Barack made it to Harvard Law School and became the first African American President of the “Harvard Law Review.”

Their North and South nodes correlate perfectly. Barack Obama has the karmic benefit of the education Lincoln craved and an even stronger communication house in an incarnation at the time of mass and instant media. He also thankfully has Venus, the archetype of the ancient goddess of love and beauty in the5th house in Moon Child a much less ominous placement than Lincoln’s warrior god of Mars. It is no wonder Barack Obama dreamed of being President when he was in kindergarten. He was cannot wait to get back to work.

#Yes, yes I know John Kennedy is supposed to be the reincarnation of Lincoln according to pop astrology and people who like making lists of “coincidences” between the two. Sadly for those enamored with this theory there is just no real karmic astrological links in the charts of the two men. Also, for all of those people circulating the lists of coincidences on the internet please note that Lincoln never had a secretary named Kennedy and was not shot in a theater named Kennedy. Lincoln served one complete term and part of his second, Kennedy never made it through his first term. Southerners did not shoot both men, although Booth was a Southern sympathizer, he was born in Maryland – a Northern state. In addition, the assassins were not born exactly 100 years apart – that is another continually perpetrated myth in these threads.

Bush/Gore and the Question of Karma.

So I am sitting up nights as the battle of the hanging chads take place in Florida and wonder who will be our next president? As I often do in times of consternation, I look to the stars. Specially, I am combining the charts of George W. Bush born July 6, 1946, 7:26 AM in New Haven, Ct. and Al Gore, born March 31, 1948 at 12:53 PM in Washington, DC and matching them against a chart for Election Day 2000 in a Synastry chart. *I see that it all comes down to a question of karma.

This has not come to me easily – both men had pretty good astrological aspects on that day. Where is the difference? One has to win one has to lose. The only difference I can see is Karma and it doesn’t look good for Gore. Karma comes from the Hindu – Buddhist concept of reincarnation. The Sanskrit word Karma literally means action. For every action, there is a reaction. The quickest explanation of karma is: ‘you get what you give’. In other words, whatever you do intentionally to others, a similar thing will happen to yourself in the future.

The one big difference I see in these charts is that Gores’ Pluto, a very karmic planet, is in a negative or difficult aspect with Saturn – another karmic planet. In fact, Saturn is the planet of Karma. Saturn is a strong disciplinarian and teaches us our lessons this lifetime. At times, this planet can be restricting and inhibiting – and when in a difficult aspect it demands a person balance negative karma– they must pay a debt. In short, Gore was paying for some karmic debt on Election Day – not a good harbinger for success.

Gore also has difficult karma in his 10th house the house of career. It is “intercepted” – that means that there are two astrological signs on the cusp of one house. When that happens, it always indicates a pause of karma. In this case, Gore has Taurus intercepting his 10th house. Aries is on the cusp of the 10th house – but Taurus comes and cuts it right in the middle. This is a sign of someone who could have taken control in the past but did not. He had a chance in a past life to take control and rule but he walked away from power. He could have influenced people for the better but took an easier, more selfish route.

Bush has no such karmic imbalance in his chart or on Election Day. Bush has no birth planets in retrograde. (The word retrograde applies, in astrology, to the apparent backward motion thru the ecliptic of a planet. As we from our position on Earth look at another planet, it appears as though it moving backwards on its path around the Sun. Astrologically, it is a pause for karma – another lesson to learn.)

I fear that this election will go in Bush’s favor. Politically I am opposed to his right wing evangelical believes. Astrologically I worry about a future president with a Leo ascendant. Our ascendants are how we present ourselves to the world – our persona. In ancient Sumerian days when Astrology was born, they paid little attention to the Sun. It was too bright and when out it blocked the astrologers’ view of the other planets and stars. You would not go into a bar in ancient Samaria and say, “what is your sun sign” you would say, “what is your ascendant?” It was the rising sign, the ascendant that took center stage in daily astrology.

An ascendant in Leo – the lion inclines a person to want to be more king than president. Leo expects, demands loyalty and fealty among his minions – and brooks little opposition. This is a bit frightening in a man whose only experience is being the government of a state that limits gubernatorial power and has a strong legislature. He needs to listen to advice of others and Leo is not inclined to listen.

Bush’s’ Midheaven, the 10th house cusp, the indicator of our career persona, is in Aries. Ruled by masculine Mars energy, Aries is all about ME. Aries has to be number one – has to be the leader and being the first sign, in essence the baby of zodiac, is prone to temper tantrums when not given their way.

With two fire signs, Leo and Arles, on prominent cusps Bush is going to be a leader who will want things done his way, right or wrong and prefer to have loyal yes men surrounding him.

Now I have to wonder, what karma did American incur to be in this position?

*Synastry is the study of relationships by comparing two horoscope charts.

Al Gore Happy At Last in His North Node

Being a person rabid with anger every time the Bush regime destroys another civil liberty, “spreads Democracy ” at the point of gun and sits by as the Earth comes to a boil, it is hard to step into my role as astrologer and take a dispassionate view of the Universe’s bizarre sense of irony. If nothing else, this is certainly a test of the theory that all occurrences naturally have both a positive and shadow effects – that nothing on Earth is perfectly good or perfectly horrible. (For example, in the wake of a horrible disaster – man made or natural – people will find sparks of generosity and compassion they never knew or had forgotten they had.) Ok we know the shadow or negative effects of the Bush Presidency. (Oh, boy do we!) However, where are the benefits? Well some positive karma has come to the man on the end of the Bush/Gore 2000 election debacle. After going through the black hole of disappointment and despair at having the election ripped from him by the Supreme Court, Al Gore, “the loser” is now fulfilling his soul’s desire in a way it is doubtful he could have accomplished had he became President.

Gore, born, March 31, 1948 in Washington, D.C at 12:53 PM has his North Node in Taurus in the 10th house. The North Node (that horseshoe shaped creature on the astrological chart) tells us the soul’s purpose in our current incarnation. It answers the question, why did the soul wish to come back for this particular lifetime. Nodes, by the way, are not planetary bodies; rather, they are mathematical points. The North and South nodes so instrumental to karmic astrology are the points where the Moon’s orbit intersects the plane of the ecliptic, the path it takes around Earth.

The areas Taurus controls are our basic possessions and how we relate to them. Symbolized by the Bull, Taurus is a very tactile sign grounded by the Earth. Ruled by Venus, it has a creative and artistic flair. The tenth house is the career house – the house of social status and how we interact on a professional level. A person whose North Node is placed in Taurus in the 10th house – was put here to pursue a profession active in areas that utilize earth based materials in a creative fashion. By staring in a movie and writing a book teaching the world of the impending environmental crises, he is fulfilling his North Node directive.

On a more personal basis, Taurus controls our bodies – our physicality. Remembering the 2000 race when Gore changed personas, sweaters and image consultants every few months it is safe to say that this was a man not in control of his physicality. The man who was three different people at each of the three debates – has finally found comfort in his own skin.
His North Node is in a close conjunction with the asteroid Ceres. (A conjunction is a placement of planetary bodies in close proximity – normally one to 8 degrees from each other.) Ceres was the Ceres is the Roman name of Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture. She looked after the fields and crops. Ceres is part of an ancient myth that helps explain the cycles of seasonal change. Pluto — or Hades — the god of the underworld, kidnapped Ceres’ daughter, Proserpina (Roman counterpart to Persephone), and took her to live with him. Ceres went into the underworld to rescue her daughter and was able to make a deal with Pluto to return every year at the same time. When Ceres goes into the underworld, the crops stop growing and winter comes. In the summer, when she returns, spring arrives and it is time for planning. She was the epitome of motherly love and female fecundity – the ancient symbol of what we call Mother Nature.
People with Ceres in Taurus receive and receive nurturance through the physical substances and they feel their reward by learning how to provide physically for their family and community. Ceres is Earth Mother – Taurus the astrological sign that rules how we care for our Earthly and Earth-given possessions; what a fantastic combination crating a person who is passionate about protecting the planet. When he wrote “Earth In Balance”, in 1993, Al Gore was stirring to his soul’s desire but politics and the fear of the backlash from the radical right who see ecological preservation and environmental protection as issues to mock instead of duties Man must perform for the right to live on Earth, stymied the impact of the book. The press mocked him as a tree-hugger and not a serious politician.
Of course, one could argue that he could have done the same and more as President of the United States – leading the world in the fight of global warming but it would not have been his sole area of concern. Presidents must carry large agendas. Also, with all of the baggage and infighting that goes with politics, his message would have been diluted and attacked by Republicans who would have controlled Congress at least for his first term. Would he have made such an impact on the world community and become known as the brilliant “Goreacle” if still a politician? Doubtful. Yes, the Presidency has power – but it also demands caution. President Gore never would have been able to speak the “Inconvenient Truth” about global warming. Aides and lobbyist would have parsed and watered down his words. He might have gotten some small piece of legislation through – signed some international agreements but would never had the spoken the total truth he knew in his heart to be true. How many times did he talk about the environment in his 2000 run? Precious few. The environment does not “sell” politically.

With noting more to lose, Gore threw off his fake political cautious persona and suddenly he made the world aware that we are committing suicide.

Why, was his route so painful? Ah, that is where karma comes to play! This is not the first time negative karma has reared its ugly head in Gore’s life. (See “Bush/Gore And The Question of Karma).” His 10th house is “intercepted” – that means that there are two astrological signs on the cusp of one house. (The cusp is the entryway to each astrological house.) When that happens, it always indicates a pause of karma. In this case, Gore has Taurus intercepting his 10th house. Aries is on the cusp of the 10th house – but Taurus comes and cuts it right in the middle. This is a sign of someone who could have taken control in the past but did not. He had a chance in a past life to take rule but he walked away from power and responsibility and left his people in a state of upheaval. He could have influenced people for the better but took an easier more selfish route. This time around, his path to leadership in the area he excels in (Earth matters) would be convoluted and painful. He had to repay that debt

Gore’s South Node – where he is coming from – his past life indictor is in Scorpio in the 4th house. Scorpio is all about power. Because the 10th house is intercepted, the house on the opposite of the circle, the 4th house is intercepted as well. The karmic imbalance he had by shirking his career goals in the past – created an imbalance of power at home. It is humorous that he titled his first book “Earth in Balance” – I am sure he did not consciously know it when he or his publishers picked the title but he was already on his path to restoring his karmic balance with that book.

It is a testament to Gore that he came out of the abyss, balanced the karma and still fulfilled his North Node calling. In the face of such wrenching disappointment, he could have become bitter, vengeful and gone down into a hole of more negativity and karmic debt. He could have sowed the seeds for countless lifetimes of bitter lose, more anger – more negativity. Instead, he chose to shake off the dust and pain, follow his heart (actually his North Node) and become the world expert on climate change. He lost the rulership role he craved (or thought he did) and became an even bigger leader.