Make Friends With Uranus – Because He Is About To Go

Loopy! On January 20th the Sun will enter the constellation Aquarius ruled by the planet Uranus. Uranus is the only planet that rotates on its side so you get some idea of what the archetype is for Aquarius — the rebel, the change agent. The other side of Aquarius is a sense of universal brotherhood, a  love of freedom. It also rules electricity and electronics.

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Uranus itself has just entered Aries – the sign of the take charge warrior. For the next several years we are going to see an explosion of freedom movements around the world – some that will be violent, sadly. We will also have advances in electronics that will make even the last few years like the horse and buggie days.

Also watch for that “quest for freedom” and be my friend but don’t get too close to happen in relationships…you might see some folks break up that you will never expect that to happen to!

Just expect the unexpected – in spades!


A friend whined to me a few weeks ago, “When is Mercury going to get out of retrograde?” It was about to leave I assured her. (However, it will zip back in November 23 – December 13.) Retrogrades are a time for whining. Everything seems to go backwards, cars don’t start, computers go on the fritz, and things just don’t get done. However, instead of whining we should remember that retrogrades are a time for going within and working on the internal stuff before pushing forward.

Right now we have an inordinate amount of number going retrograde. No wonder people feel like they are under water and so dejected.

Pluto is still in retrograde – until Sept 16 – but we talked about Pluto recently in another blog entry.

Right now most of the “girls” – the big asteroid are in retrograde. Juno, Vesta and Ceres are all retrograded. Juno is where our loyalty lies – so there might be relationship issues coming up. Vesta, where we feel we must dedicate to something, when in retrograde will make us feel like I can’t get excited about anything. Ceres is our mothering, nurturing nature – need I say more?

An asteroid that vibrates to male energy, Chiron, our sacred wound issue – a pain so deep we don’t want to deal with it is also retrograded. We are feeling pain but can’t get to the source, can’t confront it.

Had enough? Too bad. Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter are also all retrograded! Really people – I wish the pundits who rap about how the American people are feeling can take a look at this! Neptune, our connection to the spiritual, Uranus, our energetic change energy and Jupiter our expansion and hope guide are all going in reverse. Makes you sleepy just reading it.

Never fear – these guys never stand still for long. Jupiter is being quite dramatic and going straight again on December 25, Uranus December 10, Chiron November 10, Neptune November 9 and Ceres December 6. Vesta will only be retrograded a few more days and Juno will follow Chiron.

So see – it won’t last. Remember that retrograde is a time to go within and learn why we are feeling the way we are. Whining never gets us anywhere!

Uranus has moved into Aries.

We have recently seen yet another slower, outer planet shift into another sign. I have already talked about Neptune moving into Pisces and Pluto heading into Capricorn, now we have Uranus moving in Aries. Uranus takes about seven years to move through one sign. Contrast that to Mercury which makes it through all twelve in eighty-eight days!

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Uranus is the sign of quick change – it is the rebel. I liken Uranus to the teenager of the Zodiac because it hates status quo and likes to shake things up as it explores new opportunities. Like a teenager who can turn a house on end in a minute by tossing clothes about as soon as they enter the door, leaving the refrigerator door opened and blaring loud music, Uranus brings upheaval whether you are ready or not.

Like youth, Uranus also has a humanitarian side. It isn’t jaded yet like Saturn and Pluto and sees the beauty in every person. Uranus really cares about humanity and wants to help all humans.

So now we have the teenager meeting the baby – Uranus meeting the infant of the zodiac – the raw aggressive energy of Aries. If there was ever a time to change – to finish a project or start one or to analyze a relationship. Be spontaneous- take a trip on the spur of the moment, learn Russian.

Like all teenagers, Uranus is a techno-geek – so expect another explosion of gadgets and widgets in the next seven years.

However, remember that teens are prone to explosions and irrational anger. So watch for impulsive, erratic energy.

It is important to look at your chart and see what Uranus/Aquarius Aries/Mars activate – control the energy and you will make great headway in these areas.  (Countries can also have these planets in strategic areas of their charts so watch for eruptions around the world.)

Chiron Neptune and Pisces

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 I talked about Neptune entering Pisces a few weeks ago and the general karmic implications of having Neptune in its ruling sign. Pisces and Neptune, remember vibrate to the 12th house – the house that is our connection to the universal unconsciousness. Many astrologers say Pisces is the universal unconsciousness!

Now we have an extra added attraction to this because Chiron, the asteroid which pinpoints where we carry our deepest wound – a wound that is so painful we don’t want to touch – is now in Pisces. Of course, we much transmute the pain of Chiron if we are to heal; the trick is to have the courage to do that.

The last time Chiron was in Pisces was from 1962 – 1968. Remember those fun years?

Keep in mind – and this is very important – we also had some wild transits of Uranus and Pluto at that time which is not in the cards now. Don’t expect a return to the go- go ’60’s.

However, for the next nine years Chiron will be in Pisces and for a large chunk of this year Chiron will be conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Whatever house this conjunction transits and whatever planet it agitates in your chart you will feel a deep karmic pull. Let me explain this with a story of what happened to me. Right now, over the Washington, D. C, area and much of the East Coast, this conjunction is in the 7th house – the house of intimate relationships such as marriage and business contracts. The 7th house is an “angular house”. These include the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses – these are very powerful, very active houses. My natal Chiron is also in an angular house – the 4th. I am feeling this conjunction.

To make a very long story short, I found out that a large bank had totally screwed up a major account to the point where they actually had no clue how to undo their error. I went through 2 weeks of “bank hell” and finally, with the help of my ace financial advisor, got them to move on fixing the problem. Oh, did I say their screw up threatened my business accreditation and I had only one month to fix it?

Throughout this time, the bank never apologized and even had to nerve to hold up the process of fixing their mistake because they found one small error I made. Six years of major errors they made – one little paperwork error on my part and they tried to turn it around and lay all the blame on me.

It was at that point that a nerve was struck or more correctly it was my 4th house Chironic wound – of not feeling heard, of being validated and having root source – of being a grounded, accepted person. They were trying to put me in the place of little kid and it angered me. Instead of retreating into the wound – and becoming the chastised little kid – I found a way around them and basically told them what they could do with my account. I took the money out and found a new way to do what I needed to do.

So be aware of painful karmic issues that are going to pop up in contractual relationships. Look at where Chiron is in your birth chart and see how this is going to resonate with you. This is the time to clear up a lot of wound issues that are karmic in nature IF you are aware of what is happening. Don’t fall into Pisces martyrdom – don’t accept what is happening – analyze how this is making you feel and use this to transmute your Chironic wound issue.

Uranus is now in Aries – Will Progressives Hear It?

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Ok kids all excuses are now mute – Uranus is in Aries and will live there for the next seven years. Think of that balance of energy – Uranus the rebel, the harbinger of the unexpected mixing with Aries the epitome of raw, warrior energy! Wow. It is a cliché but I have to say it, “Expect the unexpected.” Remember that Uranus is the only planet that orbits the Sun on its side not up and down. Is that goofy or what? Notice I didn’t say it would bring “good” or “bad” things – just new and different. Whatever happens it is best to accept it and grow.

The most exciting part about this for me is that I think people will become more energized to work for the betterment of humanity. I truly believe that the days of a few trying to funnel the money of the middle class to the rich, the days of the left being cowed to stay silent while the radical right destroys our economy and works hard to bring us back to the dark ages socially may finally run their course. Uranus has a heart – it is the humanitarian of planets and the sign it rules, Aquarius, supports group activities on behalf of social betterment.

With Neptune soon moving into Pisces and bringing that sense of the “little guy” standing up against all odds and this crusading energy of Aries fueling Uranus we should see a rejuvenation of the progressive sensibility. If the left doesn’t mobilize now they never will because they also have Pluto still in Capricorn – demanding change in authority structures and bringing secrets to light.

The stars are aligned kids; you have to do the rest!

2011 continued – Aries all Around!

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April is always a wild month astrologically. The archetypal energy is of Mars, the god of war. Mars and the sign it rules, Aries, is the epitome of male aggression. We need energy and spunk to make our mark in our world. However, keep in mind the shadow of this is testosterone overload – unbridled aggression and violence. The Revolutionary and Civil Wars started in April. Hitler was born in April just as the Sun was moving out of Aries. Columbine was in April. We invaded Iraq in 2003 under Aries. You get the picture.

It is no surprise, therefore, that we face the coming Stellium of asteroids and planets in Aries with some trepidation.

On April 4th when Neptune moves into spiritual Pisces (see last week’s entry) we will also have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Mars and even the black Moon Lilith all in Aries. Fortunately, most of these are “personal planets” – the inner guys who make the biggest impact on an individual’s chart not the planet as a whole. If you have Aries personal planets or if yours make aspects to Aries – you will be able to start new activities just be sure you don’t fly off the handle for little reasons.  Watch for spikes in personal violence during this time.  Just remember to stay in the light – the energy Aries brings – and not the shadow.

Uranus is Aries is a generational shift – it hangs around a sign for about 7 years. Jupiter stays about a year in each sign.  Uranus and Jupiter will be squaring Pluto in Capricorn – this will be a huge time when the big issues of fairness, justice and truth come to light. I would advise any President of Prime Minister or dictator to be very careful at this time. Any act of dishonesty, any act of underhandedness will see the light. Anyone who acts with extreme individualism will get a good smack in the face.

Uranus in Aries can blaze the trail for social reform and science. Expect to see big breakthroughs in these areas.

It is all about the harnessing of this energy. Those who use it for social good for social justice will blaze new trails in these areas. Those trails will not always be smooth sailing – there can be wars and battles needed to bring about these changes. Anyone who goes to shadow of Aries – who seeks to subjugate freedom and justice – will wreck havoc on the world around them.

Hopefully from this disruption will come the beauty of Neptune in Pisces (see last week) when the spiritual overtakes the illusion.  If we all do our part to try to stay out of the shadow that can happen. Yes, I know, I know — but we can all try.

Time Goes By So…………..quickly

A friend called me today all upset about the speed of time. “I know time speeds up when you get older but this is crazy. Thing are flying by way too fast. What is going on?

What is going on is Pluto has moved into Capricorn. Last week I mentioned how that change is and will continue to effect the structures of society. That is just one sphere of influence for Capricorn, the sign I affectionately refer to as the “Old Goat.” (Capricorn’s symbol is the goat.)
Capricorn also rules time. Makes sense, right? Capricorn rules form and structure. What structures us more than the clock, the sun rising and setting – time?

So for the next few decades as Pluto grinds through the Capricorn constellation – time is going to go a bit hay-wire. No, we aren’t going to all vanish onto another realm on Jan. 1, 2012 – I don’t care what the Mayan’s did or didn’t write. However, be prepared to see the speed of time increase and the effects of time on our bodies change.

Time stepping up its pace a bit actually started when Uranus was discovered in 1781. Uranus is the only planet that spins on its side and is associated with sudden changes and advances that move mankind relentless into the future. After it showed itself to us, the industrial and then scientific revolutions began. In the past, generations would live almost exactly like those which came before – suddenly massive changes started in the way we live and one generation would not recognize the life style of the one before. That is all thanks to Uranus.

Now that Pluto will be forcing changes to the way we see time, the “good old days” will be anything that happened last week!

Saturn – Uranus – The Past and Future of the Presidential Election

On election day 2008, Uranus and Saturn will be in exact opposition to each other. That is, they will be directly across from one another on their path around the Sun. The choice has been written in the stars – old and new across from one another. Which way will we go?

Saturn is all about tradition, and doing things by the book – all about form and structure. Uranus is new, electric and represents upheaval and change. I don’t have to tell you which candidate is represented by each do I? The fact that we have the elder McCain, and the young, unique Obama as our choice seems to have been written in the sky!

To add some mystery to it all – Pluto is making a move in Capricorn. Actually Pluto moved into Capricorn briefly this year but quickly retrograded back in Sagittarius where it will remain until after the election. Pluto is the harbinger of slow but deeply felt transformations and because it moves so slowly around the Sun, it stays in a sign for years, sometimes decades. When Pluto was in Sagittarius we saw the rise of spirituality around the world – as well as fundamentalism. (To everything there is a positive and shadow aspect!) With Pluto moving in to Capricorn we will see changes in those structures that control society – government and the financial infrastructure to name two.

I saw one of the best albeit unwitting explanations of this Pluto-Capricorn placement in the commentary section of the October 7, 2008 edition of “The Nation” Magazine written by William Greider. “Our country is at a rare and dangerous juncture. The old order is crumbling, and virtually all centers of power that govern us have been discredited by events.”

The last time Pluto was in Capricorn we had the American and French Revolutions… does that tell you something about Pluto power?

But Joan, you say, you told us Pluto has moved back in Sagittarius so what is all of that talk about Capricorn? Well, I did say that – but I said it was just retrograding back for a short time. In fact, I believe that dip back into Sagittarius manifested as Gov. Sara Palin being named as VP nominee by John McCain. It was a life line tossed by the McCain campaign to the religious fundamentalist groups who are currently in control of our government. Hopefully the rope will slip from the hands on both sides.

There is no doubt, Pluto will bring change to governmental and societal structure and change is always painful. We are going to have to fasten our seat belts tightly as everything we once believed in and trusted is shaken to the core. This won’t be fun.The choice is ours – in our fear do we follow Saturn back to an even more restrictive and authoritarian government or do we hold on to Uranus and have it guide us to a more open, exciting and humanitarian government?