Venus, Jupiter, Regulus, A Capricorn Moon and One Extra Second TODAY

If you have a clear sky tonight, look to the West to see Jupiter and Venus “together” (just a couple of million miles apart but in the universe that is together.) The two are in a universal race and we get to watch. However, we know who will win, as Venus is a lot faster than Jupiter and has a much smaller path on the ecliptic to travel – it really is not fair. Thus is the way of the universe. Both are in the flamboyant constellation of Leo and the goal of the race is the star Regulus. (You might be able to see all three of them in the next few days depending on how clear the sky above you is.) Regulus is the brightest star in constellation Leo. I will let you do a little astrological interpretation this time. Venus, goddess of love, creativity and expression and Jupiter, the expansionist, the seeker, the love of growth and knowledge are dancing together in Leo. Leo loves center stage, loves creativity and loves to put a stamp on the world. Don’t forget Regulus, the brightest star in this bold constellation.

How do you interpret the energy in the sky today? In a phrase, I would say – go for it. Look at where Venus and Jupiter are in your birth chart. What house are they in, what are those houses calling you do? Do you have any retrogrades around these planets, are they in retrograde? Are there any negative aspects in your chart in need of a boost of this positive, creative, growth energy?

There is no better time than now. Remember we have one extra second today too! Do not let it go to waste! I

f that is not enough for you, Wednesday will be a full Capricorn Moon. While Capricorn can be too restrictive – think of that energy as helping you make a plan for this creative growth and expansion. Capricorn loves a plan while Jupiter can go off a bit willy-nilly. Spend some time outdoors tonight! Feel the wonderful energy.