Yes, Mercury Retrograded – And So Will Jupiter — Oh Yeah So Too Saturn.

Again, I implore that no one freak out about about it but Mercury has gone retrograde and will be there for most of June. Yes, you might have some computer snafu’s and miscommunications but for goodness sakes, look at the bright side. You can work on moving your communicaitons to a more positive realm but studying how and why you still block what you want to authentically say to people. How cool is that?

Jupiter will head retrograde in late June – and Saturn is already there. I don’t know why we don’t pay more attention to the “big guns” when they retrograde. These are great opportunites to study how we hold ourselves back from learning and exploring (Jupiter) and how we give others our rightful authority (Saturn.) That is a whole lot more valuable than worrying about a letter gone astray for a bit, no?