Venus Finally Leaves Retrograde!

On September 6, Venus goes direct again leaving the time of introspection of our creative and sexual selves. In the fiery sign of Leo, Venus will burst forth from her retrograde position to give us a new boost of energy. Venus in Leo loves the limelight. It is a time to say step into the center of attention.

Be a bit dramatic – take a little risk – I said a LITTLE risk. Leo can get carried away. A Venus in Leo time is perfect for exuding your full confidence, beauty and joy. Remember that too much of this confidence can lead to risky mistakes when it comes to sexuality so if your Venus is in a fire sign natally take a deep breath.

If you have an Earth or air Venus by natal placement use that infusion of fire to step a bit more into the limelight – take a chance on being center stage for just a bit. Buy a new outfit, get a new haircut, and show some friends that poem that you hid in your drawers years ago. Let Venus be your guide into the Sun.