What is in Store for Us in the Third Debate?

The slower moving planets haven’t moved much since the first debate, of course, but we do have some shifts which both candidates should note.  Secretary Clinton has the chance to become more “friendly.” With the Sun conjunct Mercury along with Jupiter in her eleventh house, this is her time build a community. The eleventh house helps us find our tribe – come together with like-minded people and work toward some common goal. Progressed Saturn there will help her layout her plans, show that she can make an America that is opposite what Trump wants.

Her mantra should be – 90 minutes – be nice, be positive and be warm.


With Venus and Jupiter in her first she should be able to hold off on the urge to punch her opponent. However, it won’t be easy. He is going to have Mars right on his Pluto – (ironically a text book sign of male aggression only slightly outdone by a Mars/Saturn placement) right in his fifth house. The fifth is where we shine – where we take center stage. I have been hoping for him to go full mouth frothing at a debate and this is my best chance. Seriously, if he presents himself as a statesman I will be putting more credence into those stories of him being on drugs – they will have sedated him!

