Happy Birthday Virgo – Seek Healthy Control Over Your Garden of Life

Happy Birthday, Virgo. This is the time of the first harvest in most of the Northern Hemisphere. What a perfect time to celebrate the Suns movement into the sign of Virgo. Often depicted with sheaths of wheat in her hands, Virgo is the ultimate of Earth mothers and loves nothing more to till the garden. Virgo always has a deep concern for the land and for everything within her control. That is why she is so concerned with our bodies, and her area of the Earth.  Virgos love to control what they have in front of them sometimes to the point of being OCD.


Virgos need to balance healthy control of the body – good food, good nutrition and a healthy balance of work and leisure. Thrown off kilter, Virgos become too critical of their bodies of their food choices and of the work habits. It can become a constant tale-chase of seeking to better themselves. The shadow of Virgo is obsessive self-criticism, OCD, cutting, etc.

Let’s celebrate the beauty of the Virgo harvest, the beauty of nurturing the body and the necessity of making our corner of the world peaceful and beautiful without beating ourselves up if one little weed comes into the garden.