Happy Solstice – Happy Venus

This summer solstice (if you are in the Northern Hemisphere) marks the movement of the Sun into Cancer. This year it will also see a powerful positive aspect (or trine) between Venus and Pluto. Venus will be in Earthy Taurus, a sign that she rules, and, of course, Pluto is still hanging in retrograde in Capricorn, another Earth sign.

This is a great time for re-assessment of those Venus aspects. She rules relationships, socialization and money! Combined with Pluto, the planet that demands deep and penetrating change, this provides the perfect time to re-assess you life in one of these three areas. However, it is summer and Venus is in earthy and peaceful Taurus – this is not the time to be a bull in a chinashop about it. Take your time, think, journal and assess calmly.

It is summer – relax! There is enough strife in the world. Happy Solstice