Ready for a Little Good News for a Change?

If so, then the universe is bringing us a ray of hope in the miasma of living in Trump world. We have Venus, the Moon, Neptune and Pallas Athena all in Pisces right now. Since Neptune rules Pisces, it is infusing us with a double dosage of the compassion and universality which is the specialty of sign. When we overlay the current chart over that of the United States we see that those Pisces-infused planets are in our third house, that of community and friendship. Venus is the energy of the goddess of love and creativity and the Moon also is a very feminine sign. Pallas Athena is the warrior goddess, ready to take up the cause of the underdog. You can see these energies play out in both the Women’s March on Washington and the impromptu rage against the Muslim travel ban. It is also no irony that the Federal judges acting against the ban were all women!

Pisces cares about the underdog and wants us to live in a world of peace and brotherhood. We need that energy more than ever right now.  However, the negative aspect of this sign is escapism. Pisces wants to live in the world of peace and togetherness and has a very hard time handling all of the nitty gritty and nasty details of life. It is easy for Pisces to escape into a world of unreality- of puppies and bunnies – when hit too hard. We can’t afford to do that.


Jan 30

Fortunately, we have structured and authoritarian Saturn in the first house, that of personality and persona. While this can have a depressive effective – (one we can all feel right now) it also forces us to make plans and follow through.

Saturn and Pisces together will help us through.