Partial solar eclipse on Sept 13


In Virgo. While it will only be seen will only be visible from South Africa, Antarctica and locations in Indian and Atlantic Oceans, we can all tune into the energy. Virgo energy is most concerned with being in service to the body. Virgo wants to care for the body, feed it well, and exercise it properly. She asks us to do work that benefit both ourselves and those around us.

It is important to know where in your natal chart the eclipse will happen. For instance, if the eclipse is in your first house, then your personality energy will activate. Questions will be around how you present yourself to the world – what are your reactions to life? You can also examine your body, your health – are you taking care of it the way you should? If it happens to be in your 10th house then the energy will be around your career. Are you doing what you want the way you want? Are you getting the proper reward for your work? In the 12th house, issues of connecting to spirit in a way that services your needs will be in the forefront.

Don’t let this eclipse go without tuning in. If you want to know where the eclipse will be in your chart, drop me an email at and I will send you a chart with a little interpretation.