Homeopathic Veterinary Care

Today, I welcome a guest blog by a past guest on “Astrological Cook,” animal communicator, Cindy Wegner


Pets continue to be popular in our society, yet the reasons we have them is changing. No longer are our dogs, cats, and horses “working” for their keep, they have become trusted companions and family members. They enjoy the comforts of our homes, and in recent years the benefits of improved health care and specifically holistic veterinary care.

Over the past 40 years and 17 generations of dogs and, cats we are seeing a tremendous increase in chronic ill health in our pets that was rare back in the early 1960’s. Most of these illnesses revolve around breakdown in our pets’ immune systems, which may include chronic skin/ear allergies, digestive upset, thyroid/adrenal/pancreatic disorders, seizures, gum/ teeth problems, degenerative arthritis, kidney/liver failure, and cancer across all ages and breeds. There are also a record number of behavioral and emotional disorders including alarming and unexplained fears/aggression., as well as difficulty in training and paying attention/focusing. The analogy of these compared with the escalating immune/behavioral diseases in children is quite disturbing. Holistic veterinary practitioners in general and homeopaths in particular, like that of human practitioners, looks at the “whole”, not just isolated parts. It focuses on resolving the cause and the problem, not just alleviating symptoms. In homeopathy, symptoms are important tools, both for determining which remedy is needed in the case, and for monitoring the healing process. Homeopaths do not use drugs or remedies to suppress symptoms. This is the opposite of most conventional medical treatments, which are mainly directed at getting rid of symptoms: anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic, anti-viral, and so forth. However, homeopaths believe that suppressing symptoms thwarts the body’s effort to heal, and will only drive the disease to a deeper–and more dangerous–level. Overall improvement of the quality of life and living is the goal. In addition to western approaches, such as antibiotics (drugs) and surgery, holistic approaches include acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic, herbology, flower essence remedies, and nutritional therapy. (www.herbsforyourpets.com )

A major key in holistic veterinary care is that the doctor looks at the whole picture. Most will take a detailed background of the animal–medical being just a part. They will look at the environment the animal came from and where it is now, any recurrent problems and their pattern, and the pet’s relationship with its owner (and family members). From this information the veterinarian, with the owner, can work to pinpoint causes and develop appropriate and feasible treatment plans. The plan may include several approaches and phases with optimum health as its goal. An example may be that the pet receives an antibiotic for a severe infection, acupuncture for improved healing and well-being, and an improved diet.
Homeopathy is not a quick fix, nor can it cure every single condition. However, it offers a viable alternative in helping to cure pets and making their bodies healthier, even in terminal cases, it can be helpful. Homeopathy works with rather than against the body’s own energy and natural defenses. In the hands of a skilled practitioner, homeopathy can move the patient along a gentle, steady course toward ultimate cure and good health.

Some suggested reading/handy guides:
Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cat, Richard H. Pitcairn, DVM, PhD and Susan Hubble Pitcairn
The Encyclopedia of Natural Pet Care, CJ Puotinen
Cats: Homoeopathic Remedies, George MacLeod, MRCVS, DVSM, Vet FF Hom
Dogs: Homoeopathic Remedies, George MacLeod, MRCVS, DVSM, Vet FF Hom

Animal Communicator, Cindy Wenger offers compassionate support for your pet’s body, mind, spirit and emotions. The informative communication sessions help clientele understand their pets’ needs, and help foster a better understanding and deeper bond between them. Schedule a session today, your pets will love you for it! www.CindyWenger.com