Pluto on the Moon – Breathe!

The Moon is coming into close (in universal terms) relationship to Pluto’s orbit this week. Anytime, Pluto activates either the Sun, Moon, Venus or Mars we feel a bit unsettled. This is especially true of people who have a relationship in their personal charts between the two bodies.
Pluto on the Moon can make your feel cranky and not pleased with your emotional responses. You can find yourself saying, why did I say that, why did I react like that?

It can be very disconcerting. However, there is also a great benefit to this placement. How do you want to change your emotional responses? How would you want react to a snippy person in the next cubicle at work or the bully who stole your parking space? Work now on how you want to use the changing power of Pluto to temper emotions that sometimes still get ahead of you.