Don’t panic – Mercury goes retrograde on September 17.
I say this every time but Mercury goes retrograde; I get a ton of emails and calls about all the horrible things that will happen. I admit that depending on where your natal Mercury is doing, you could have communication issues, computer glitches and phone blow-ups but it does not happen to all of us every time Mercury gets sleepy! If you want to know where this retrograde is in relationship to your birth chart, drop me an email at [email protected] and I will send you a free chart pointing out the dance of Mercury.
For the good news, Saturn goes direct and moves firmly into Sagittarius. A Saturn retrograde, which can bog us down with feelings of duty or give a sense of lack of joy, is much more potent than a Mercury retrograde. Yet, we worry about Mercury all of the time! This is a time to feel the energy of Sagittarius. It calls us to explore, grow and learn. Take a class or read a book in a topic that is foreign to you. Feel the release of Saturn and let Mercury go on his merry way – he will go direct soon enough – he moves that fast!