Could It Be The Battle of Two 12th House Scorpios For the White House?

Will he won’t he….will Joe Biden enter the race for President and rescue the Democrats from “Hillary Fatigue?” If he does we will see the face off of the Scorpios. (To Bernie supporters: I am not ignoring Virgo Bernie Sanders, I just don’t have his time of birth and can’t do a full analysis.)

Looking at their charts, we see that they look a lot alike, at first glance anyway. Born just about 5 years apart, both have a Sun in Scorpio. True followers of astrology know that Sun sign accounts for very little and that we have to look at the big picture. When we do that, we see that the similarities get even greater.

Joe Biden

Both have their Sun, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio in their 12th house which grants charisma, mystery and a dogged desire to achieve. Biden has Mars in Scorpio in 12 as well. These people are driven by some subconscious (or past life) desire that demands that they overcome the mysteries or secrets of life – they are driven to search for answers. The 12th house is also the house where one transcends normal existence and becomes “larger than life.” (Check out the chart of Mae West if you want to see a predominance of 12th house planets making a person larger than life.)

Despite its boldness, this isn’t a natural placement for a politician as the 12th house is the house of secrets. A king or queen would love this placement – they want the prestige (Scorpio) without having to reveal too much of themselves. With personal planets in the 12th there is a natural secretiveness to the personality. The 12th is the house of solitude and confinement, the house of writers, detectives and mystics – not American politicians forced to reveal all.

What brings Vice President Biden into the limelight is his rising sign, or sign opening the first house, the house of personality. With Sagittarius as his rising sign, Biden is drawn to travel, competition and interaction with the world. It gives him an openness and an optimism even in light of life’s tragedies. (His loss of his first wife and child to a car accident can be seen in the retrogrades of Uranus and Saturn in his marriage house and the karmic link of his 5th – the house of children – back to the karmic 12th.)

With Neptune, the dreamer, in his 10th house, that of government, he is driven to try to make the world better. There is a tremendous amount of compassion associated with Neptune and he isn’t faking any of his feelings about helping the underdog. The downside of Neptune is obfuscation and he did get into the problem of plagiarizing some speeches years ago.

Biden also comes from lifetimes with heavy Aquarian energy, His South Node in is in Aquarius giving him a memory of a lifetime of compassion and caring for humanity. His North Node, Leo in the 9th, drives him to make his presence known on the world scene.

Secretary of State Clinton has a lot more Scorpio to “overcome” and I fear that the natural Scorpio secretiveness which got her in trouble during the health care debates of the ‘90s is rearing its head again in the current “email scandal.” She comes across as untrustworthy, as sneaky and as too secretive. These, sadly, are shadow traits of too much Scorpio energy. While the Vice President has gregarious Sagittarius as his rising or personality sign, Hillary has Scorpio on the cusp of the first. The secretiveness of her personal planets (Sun, Venus and Mercury) is compounded. In addition, she has Scorpio also in the first as her South Node or past life indicator.

Scorpio South Node in the first makes her almost karmically addicted to secretiveness and drama. Her past lives were all about being in the center of passion and angst. The mysterious entity always in the middle of the “juicy stuff of life.”


If I could give her one word of karmic benefit it would be NOT to run for President and go toward her North node which is Taurus in the 7th – meaning finding yourself at peace and joy in her body (and not some unknown unending drama) and with others. Taurus cares about the good life – good food, good people, peaceful times. She needs to leave the drama behind find peace something she won’t do in the middle of the mysteries of politics.

Karmicaly, it would be best for each if he followed Leo to the center of the world politics and she followed Taurus to the pasture of peace.

Could It Be The Battle of Two 12th House Scorpios?

Will he won’t he….will Joe Biden enter the race for President and rescue the Democrats from “Hillary Fatigue?” If he does we will see the face off of the Scorpios. (To Bernie supporters: I am not ignoring Virgo Bernie Sanders, I just don’t have his time of birth and can’t do a full analysis.)

Looking at their charts, we see that they look a lot alike, at first glance anyway. Born just about 5 years apart, both have a Sun in Scorpio. True followers of astrology know that Sun sign accounts for very little and that we have to look at the big picture. When we do that, we see that the similarities get even greater.

Both have their Sun, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio in their 12th house which grants charisma, mystery and a dogged desire to achieve. Biden has Mars in Scorpio in 12 as well. These people are driven by some subconscious (or past life) desire that demands that they overcome the mysteries or secrets of life – they are driven to search for answers. The 12th house is also the house where one transcends normal existence and becomes “larger than life.” (Check out the chart of Mae West if you want to see a predominance of 12th house planets making a person larger than life.)

Despite its boldness, this isn’t a natural placement for a politician as the 12th house is the house of secrets. A king or queen would love this placement – they want the prestige (Scorpio) without having to reveal too much of themselves. With personal planets in the 12th there is a natural secretiveness to the personality. The 12th is the house of solitude and confinement, the house of writers, detectives and mystics – not American politicians forced to reveal all.

What brings Vice President Biden into the limelight is his rising sign, or sign opening the first house, the house of personality. With Sagittarius as his rising sign, Biden is drawn to travel, competition and interaction with the world. It gives him an openness and an optimism even in light of life’s tragedies. (His loss of his first wife and child to a car accident can be seen in the retrogrades of Uranus and Saturn in his marriage house and the karmic link of his 5th – the house of children – back to the karmic 12th.)

With Neptune, the dreamer, in his 10th house, that of government, he is driven to try to make the world better. There is a tremendous amount of compassion associated with Neptune and he isn’t faking any of his feelings about helping the underdog. The downside of Neptune is obfuscation and he did get into the problem of plagiarizing some speeches years ago.joe b

Biden also comes from lifetimes with heavy Aquarian energy, His South Node in is in Aquarius giving him a memory of a lifetime of compassion and caring for humanity. His North Node, Leo in the 9th, drives him to make his presence known on the world scene.

Secretary of State Clinton has a lot more Scorpio to “overcome” and I fear that the natural Scorpio secretiveness which got her in trouble during the health care debates of the ‘90s is rearing its head again in the current “email scandal.” She comes across as untrustworthy, as sneaky and as too secretive. These, sadly, are shadow traits of too much Scorpio energy. While the Vice President has gregarious Sagittarius as his rising or personality sign, Hillary has Scorpio on the cusp of the first. The secretiveness of her personal planets (Sun, Venus and Mercury) is compounded. In addition, she has Scorpio also in the first as her South Node or past life indicator.

Scorpio South Node in the first makes her almost karmically addicted to secretiveness and drama. Her past lives were all about being in the center of passion and angst. The mysterious entity always in the middle of the “juicy stuff of life.”

If I could give her one word of karmic benefit it would be NOT to run for President and go toward her North node which is Taurus in the 7th – meaning finding yourself at peace and joy in her body (and not some unknown unending drama) and with others. Taurus cares about the good life – good food, good people, peaceful times. She needs to leave the drama behind find peace something she won’t do in the middle of the mysteries of politics.

Karmicaly, it would be best for each if he followed Leo to the center of the world politics and she followed Taurus to the pasture of peace. He has already done that and may chose not to go further. She doesn’t appear to want rest any time soon.



Full Moon in Pisces!

With the Sun settled into Virgo, the Full Moon is in the opposite sign of Pisces. This is the victim-martyr axis in Astrology. Virgo can subvert herself and be a servant to work or their body or to an authority figure. Pisces can often take on a sense of taking on too much karma – too many problems – to speed up their departure on this wheel of life.



Virgo can become too involved with things of Earth – work, diet, duty. Pisces can become too involved with matters of spirit. So you can see where the balance has to come from! During this Full Moon, analyze where you are giving up your power, where you are not being in service to your true self. Are you dedicated too much time to work, obsessing about being “better.” That would be too much of Virgo energy in your life.

Where are you escaping reality? Where are you letting people pull the wool over your eyes? These are signs of too much Piscean energy.  Balancing the two is what you can do at this full Moon time.

Happy Birthday Virgo – Seek Healthy Control Over Your Garden of Life

Happy Birthday, Virgo. This is the time of the first harvest in most of the Northern Hemisphere. What a perfect time to celebrate the Suns movement into the sign of Virgo. Often depicted with sheaths of wheat in her hands, Virgo is the ultimate of Earth mothers and loves nothing more to till the garden. Virgo always has a deep concern for the land and for everything within her control. That is why she is so concerned with our bodies, and her area of the Earth.  Virgos love to control what they have in front of them sometimes to the point of being OCD.


Virgos need to balance healthy control of the body – good food, good nutrition and a healthy balance of work and leisure. Thrown off kilter, Virgos become too critical of their bodies of their food choices and of the work habits. It can become a constant tale-chase of seeking to better themselves. The shadow of Virgo is obsessive self-criticism, OCD, cutting, etc.

Let’s celebrate the beauty of the Virgo harvest, the beauty of nurturing the body and the necessity of making our corner of the world peaceful and beautiful without beating ourselves up if one little weed comes into the garden.

New Moon August 14 – Manifest Creativity


The New Moon is always a time to put out the wishes we want to manifest on the full Moon. This month the New Moon is on August 14 at will be at 21 degrees Leo. It is best to work your manifestation wishes around creativity and being center stage, romance, sex and anything that will put our talents center stage. This is not the time to be timid. How do you want to stand out – how do you want to make your creative expression to the world? What you think you can manifest, especially when the New Moon is on your side.

Saturn and Jupiter Squaring Off




Saturn and Jupiter


Two of the titans of the universe, Saturn and Jupiter made a direct square on August 3. These two do a twenty-year dance together. This one started with a conjunction in 2000 – now we are at a more disharmonious placement – a square of Saturn at 28 degrees Scorpio and Jupiter at 28 degrees Leo.

These two are at odds in many ways. Jupiter wants expansion and risk. She beckons us to search out people who are different from us and who hold different beliefs. She opens the door to the new, fresh and different. Jupiter breaks inhibitions and makes us ponder the once unthinkable.

Jupiter tells us that our garden may be lovely, However, did we take a minute to see that one across the world that has different flowers and a Statute of a god we never saw. Why not go investigate and learn. Travel, education, publication – all are the arenas of Jupiter.

Saturn, on the other hand, demands that we meet our responsibilities, our duties before we go gallivanting all over the place. Saturn, known as Chronos or Time to the Greeks, is all about barriers – time, awareness of the limitations of a physical world. Before you take those big trips, says Saturn, make sure you make enough money and have saved more than what you need.

Saturn is like the father saying go get a job and Jupiter the hippy aunt saying go find yourself. So when these two square we have a battle of freedom and responsibility.  We can be caught into a tailspin of should I or shouldn’t I? AM I having too much fun and adventure (Jupiter) or am I stuck in the doldrums of life (Saturn)? Instead of getting confused, it is best to work on balancing these energies in our lives. Am I paying too much to either master?