On Inauguration Week – What Are Our Values?

As our Pluto return bears down on America’s second house, demanding that we deeply reexamine our values, it is exposing centuries of our monetary and value-based “sins.” We are clearly suffering the penalties of not responding to the banking crises in a way that punished the perpetrators: we are punished with the election of Trump. The oligarchy, the rich ruling class, is now ostentatiously in command. Pluto brings the dark to light.

However, the disease is much deeper and longer simmering. Despite all of our high ideals, slave holding men created us, we executed generations of Native Americans  gave some rights to women only grudgingly. In fairness, many of us have strived to become better, to live up to the ideals. Yet, even with those efforts, as a people, we have a school-to-privatized prison system, several classes of citizenship, Sandy Hook,  and the ongoing horror at Standing Rock. Literacy and science are under siege.  Pluto has laid bare our sinful past and hypocrisies and thrown the consequences in our collective faces. They are on display to a world we believe we lead physically and morally.  Now that “leadership” will be through the vehicle of a president karmically installed by a foreign power in a CIA like coup. Pluto exposed the filth kept hidden under the cloak of patriotism. What is true patriotism, if not a demand that expose what is wrong and push to make it right?

How we respond to this administration will set the course for America for generations to come. Will this be a cleansing era, a turning point to a brighter future closer to those professed ideals of two hundred years ago? Will we descend into the darkness suppressed for years? Will there be an earthquake forever separating the red from the blue elements into new nation-states? (Pluto rules Scorpio, the sign of death and transformation.)

What are our values? Who are we? Pluto has no desired outcome. He completed his task.

Don’t Underestimate Trump or Pluto.

Last week I examined the chart of Donald Trump illustrating his North Node desire to make an intellectual (and I use that term advisedly) impact on society. (Gemini North Node in the 10th House.)

When I place his chart alongside that of the United States I see that his Uranus placement is identical to that of the USA. Both have Uranus in the 10th house. A sign of a desire to stoke revolution and change in the public arena. He is clearly striking a nerve with those who are “tea party revolutionaries” and want to start over.

USA and Trump

Don’t overlook his very positive signs in the 11th house, where we come together with like-minded people. Pundits have been waiting for him to implode, for his outrageous behavior to turn people off. In fact, it has done just the opposite. His Mercury (communication skill) is on the conjunction American has of Sun, Jupiter and Venus and all of this land in the 11th. He has found his way to speak to a certain set of people that speaks to their heart and hopes. Like it or not, he has struck a chord.

It is vital to remember that Pluto is in Capricorn. Pluto demands change and Capricorn controls authority and governmental entities. The last time Pluto was in this constellation we had the American and French Revolutions. Anything can happen here. We saw the (in my opinion) positive effects of this placement, in the election of our first African American president, Barack Obama. Don’t think we can’t see the election of a fascist reality star as well.

Pluto demands change. The type of change is up to us.

Donald Trump – So Loud

I hate the idea of giving any more energy to the train wreck that is the Donald Trump presidential campaign but look at his chart I must. That he has Leo rising with aggressive Mars, also in fiery Leo, sitting on the first house should be of no surprise. His self-centered, egotistical rants touting his ultimate knowledge of all things governmental are clear evidence of the arrogance given by these placements.

What I find most interesting is his South Node placement. His South Node Sagitarrius in the Fourth House – meaning he spent a good deal of time gathering information close to home – learning all he could learn about life.

Now his North Node is in Gemini ten – meaning he wants to spread all he knows to the world. Next to that Node is his Sun meaning his life forced is infused with throwing his verbal weight around. Uranus on the other side makes him love to be rebellious and shocking. Sadly, the tenth house is the house of government so he is being drawn to act out in that arena.

I hope he soon learns, although I don’t hold out much hope, that a Gemini North Node requires you to stop thinking you are the smartest kid on the block and shut up and learn. Yeah, I said I don’t hold out much hope.
