Happy Birthday Mrs. Obama

I know I have done a riff on her chart before but several people asked me to review Michelle Obama’s chart for her fiftieth birthday.

While she is a “late” Capricorn Sun person, you know how boring I find Sun energy astrology so let’s look at her rising sign.  Ah! Another it is another earth sign! Mrs. Obama’s rising sign (also called ascendant) is in Taurus. Symbolized by the Bull, Taurus is steady, stubborn with a kiss elegance of Venus. Because Venus rules her ascendant, it is the ruling planet of her chart.

Venus appears up in her 11th house – the house of social and group activities – and is zero degrees Pisces and right on her Pisces Moon. Now, I wonder what artistic ability the first lady might be hiding from us.  Venus in Pisces is a classic sign of someone with some kind of musical, artistic, etc. talent. Perhaps hers expresses in her fashion sense and her elegance but who knows – we might be seeing some other kind of artistry coming from her someday.  (She has two retrogrades in her 5thhouse – the house of creativity so it may take a while but it is there!)

Venus on the Moon in the deeply caring sign of Pisces expresses when we see her hugging people and meaning it. She does not give political hugs or handshakes! Her concern and her love of people comes innately.  I look for her to continue to work with groups of people long after she is out of the White House.

Michelle Obama – A Very Piscean First Lady

OK purists don’t pounce. Yes, Michelle Obama, born January 17, 1964, has her Sun was Capricorn. I know, I know. (Rats, it is terrible when the first lady is THAT much younger than you. That is a first for me! But I digress.) However, she has a lot of Pisces in her “personal signs” namely the Moon and Venus. Sadly, the time of her birth is not published and astrologers will need to hound her to get it I am sure. Regardless of the exact time, we know that the Moon and Venus were both in Pisces that day and it a very tight conjunction, only about one degree away from one another. Obviously, this will be a very strong influence on her chart.

With Pisces comes compassion and the ability to reach out and solve other people’s problems. Pisces remember is what connects us to the cosmic awareness – it is that great cosmic soup from which all spirituality emerges. It brings a deep desire to connect and meld itself with the universe. When she “defies protocol” to reach out to the Queen of England or hugs children of the Haitian hurricane she is honoring this Piscean desire to bring together – to touch a feel the universe around her. Pisces is a deep water sign and water does all it can to penetrate and encompass its surroundings.

With Venus and the Moon connected in Pisces, her emotions, her compassion and her love are all driven by this desire to unite – to help – to encompass.

Carried to the extreme Pisces can martyr itself – give itself totally for another person or another cause. Any Pisces Moon person has to watch not to allow others to pull on their emotional strings to the point that they become emotionally abused by them. Believe me I know – Pisces Moon here has been a real pain in my chart. However, I am a double water person – Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon. Michelle has the steely determination of her Capricorn Sun — a Cardinal, Earth Sign. Cardinal signs are the rulers – the ones that initiate action. So that will give her the ability to set personal limits.

Still, how much of herself has she given up for love? I am in no way painting her as a victim. However, she did give up her career as a lawyer, which kept the Obama’s afloat during his community activist days, for his political career. That would not have been a decision made with such apparent grace had she been given an Aries or Leo Moon/Venus conjunction. Those fire signs would find the prospect of losing their position of prominence in the partnership a most distasteful proposition.

Also, regardless of her birth time, her North Node (where her soul is evolving toward) is in Cancer, another Water Sign. Cancer (or Moon Child) rules the Moon and is the sign epitomized as the care-giver, the mother. Moon Children want to mother (and can sometimes smother) people in their care – making sure they get all the essentials of life like a mother does for a child. In less than a year into her husband’s administration our Pisces Moon/Venus First Lady has quietly swum her way into the forefront of the childhood obesity debate. She is clearly evolving on a soul level in the direction intended in this lifetime which accounts for the ease in which she has slipped into this role. (When you are following your Node, the universe smiles on you!)

This also leads me to play with her chart a bit. What if she was born around 2:45 PM? What would her chart look like then? Well, first it would put her North Node in Cancer in her first house and would make her ascendant – her rising sign – her life force – also in Cancer. A water rising sign just intensifies her compassion but it also makes her rising sign Cardinal – like her Sun sign. So that compassion and concern is given a double dose of leadership ability. This is a perfect placement of someone destined to be the caring, compassionate but no nonsense mother figure for an entire nation.

This time also places Ceres, the Roman symbol of Mother Earth in the 6th house – the house of health and healing and places Pallas Athena, the warrior healer on the cusp of the 6th house.

I have no idea if this is the time she was born – so the chart below is NOT official in anyway. It is just what I see makes the most sense.

The important thing to remember is that we know she has the compassion of two of the water signs, with the strength of Capricorn abundant in her chart and right now she is using them for the benefit of all of us. No wonder she has said she has the fun job and seems to be thoroughly enjoying her tenure in the White House.