A Personal Story of the Unsettling Energy of Uranus

Oh Uranus, you jokester, you surely got me. Indulge me in a personal story of how Uranus can throw his lightning bolt into your life and what you can do about it. Uranus energy in astrology is quick change that shakes you up and then leaves you wondering what the heck happened. The lesson he sometimes painfully teaches is that we must look at an aspect of life that we would rather avoid.  Of course, you have to figure out what was lost, what value it was to you and why you no longer need it.

For the past several years Uranus has been sliding through my sixth house, the house of healing and caring for the body and our day to day work habits. When these slower moving bodies enter and exit a house, they pack a wallop. It is as though they are saying a hello and a goodbye in a way that you won’t forget them.

This is how Uranus said goodbye to me.  Last week, shortly after leaving a local department store, a man carrying his small child and a large box came barreling out of another store and just slammed into me full speed ahead. Although I went flying and suffered some painful bruises and pulls, I escaped damage to important things like my head and teeth. After feeling grateful that things were not worse, I said a silent “gee thanks “to Uranus.

That accident had Uranus’ fingerprints all over it because it was sudden, totally unexpected and forced me to focus on issues I would prefer not to dwell on, such as impending old age and youthful anxiety. That this happened weeks after my 60th birthday made me think about broken bones and hips and general aging. Was I getting really older, was I becoming someone who had to “watch out” in case I fell? No one wants to think of their body as becoming frail and I always pushed those ideas out of my head because I take care of myself and exercise. This made me think about the possibilities age brings. In the end, I was happy that my body withheld the fall as well as it did. I am not that old after all!

A collision like that can make one fearful especially when they have a history of anxiety and agoraphobia. Indeed, when I went past the same spot a few days later I did feel a bit nervous. This too made me go to areas in my mind I would rather forget but I realized eventually that I would never go back to that person. No matter what, I would always be ready to face the world no matter what it held. I guess I do owe ole’ Uranus some grudging thanks.

Uranus is not always a troublemaker. An infertile woman once asked me if she would ever get pregnant. She was trying In Vitro for the third time when Uranus was about to enter her sixth house. I told her it was now or never and fortunately, lightning struck positively for her. My incident happened when Uranus was still in retrograde so he would pack more of a punch.

It is good to know ahead what Uranus wants you to learn and dig through the painful aspects of the house it is about to enter and leave. It is less annoying, trust me.