Ah Pluto, I Love Ya

I am copying my last pre-election blog below. We were all on our toes yesterday and despite many attempts to suppress the vote – including keeping people on line for 8 hours in some places, machines that were flipping the votes, last minute law suits that to be filed to keep the polls open and intimidators sent to the polls, we didn’t let them use Mercury retro to take the victory away from the President. And yes, Mitt’s Mercury was more debilitated then his.

However,as I said there was not going to be any repeat of 2000 – things don’t work the same way every time.

My  biggest thanks is to my favorite planet Pluto – Pluto in Capricorn is doing its work – shaking up the authority structures of old. I was counting on you Pluto and you came through!

Now it is time to sleep! 🙂 More later.

A Final Word on Retrograded Mercury on Election Day

OK yes, Mercury is going to go retrograde (it will appear to go backwards in the sky) around 6 P Eastern on election night. AND the last time Mercury went retrograde – in fact the only time it went retrograde on a US election day was in 2000. (The one other time it was already in retrograde was in 1960.)

We all have nightmares of a repeat of 2000 but really circumstances don’t repeat exactly.In addition, this year  Mercury will be in “mutual reception” with Jupiter. That means that Jupiter is in Mercury’s ruler Gemini and Mercury is Sagittarius, Jupiter’s ruler.

What all this means to me is that we are going to have to watch things very carefully when the votes are being counted. Mercury retrograde is very good a screwing up computers and telephones and all things that carry information electronically. With the Jupiter influence things will be in inflated and bigger.

Jupiter is also the sign of religious zealotry so I would watch for the hard religious right to be up to some tricks

Note to all Democratic poll workers – if something looks odd trust your gut and investigate!

I personally feel the only way Romney can “win” is to steal this but hey, it isn’t like it hasn’t happened before. He has a lot of zealots on his side.

The good news is that his Mercury is more debilitated than the President’s. Also, I am counting on Pluto which is in Capricorn and has been doing it’s work shaking up authority figures who are hiding secrets (Jerry Sandusky, Lance Armstrong etc.) I am counting on Pluto to bring any organized vote stealing to public view.

One thought on “Ah Pluto, I Love Ya”

  1. Dearest Joan,

    What an election night to remember! It wasn’t even close! I never believed the media narrative that the race was tied.

    In most of your astrological analysis you always mentioned illusions surrounding Romney! You were spot-on about that! Romney and his inept team were completely convinced that they were going to win by a landslide that they didn’t even bother trying to steal it! LOL!

    The universe did a fantastic job of exposing the delusions and illusions from the media to Romney. It was a beautiful sight to witness! This huge loss for him was a lesson learned in humility. I hope that he realizes that and moves forward being more humble.

    Thank you so very much Joan for your great astrological insight. I look forward, if you so choose to do so, to your analysis about the next great 4 years of the Obama Presidency.

    President Obama, while not perfect, truly has our best interests at heart. I will continue to pray that the angels and spirits will always protect him and his family. And to guide him through his Presidency.

    Warm Regards,

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