Donald Trump – So Loud

I hate the idea of giving any more energy to the train wreck that is the Donald Trump presidential campaign but look at his chart I must. That he has Leo rising with aggressive Mars, also in fiery Leo, sitting on the first house should be of no surprise. His self-centered, egotistical rants touting his ultimate knowledge of all things governmental are clear evidence of the arrogance given by these placements.

What I find most interesting is his South Node placement. His South Node Sagitarrius in the Fourth House – meaning he spent a good deal of time gathering information close to home – learning all he could learn about life.

Now his North Node is in Gemini ten – meaning he wants to spread all he knows to the world. Next to that Node is his Sun meaning his life forced is infused with throwing his verbal weight around. Uranus on the other side makes him love to be rebellious and shocking. Sadly, the tenth house is the house of government so he is being drawn to act out in that arena.

I hope he soon learns, although I don’t hold out much hope, that a Gemini North Node requires you to stop thinking you are the smartest kid on the block and shut up and learn. Yeah, I said I don’t hold out much hope.
