Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

UniverseOn April 4, the window of universal energy to manifest change that began with the simultaneous Vernal Equinox and solar eclipse will “close” with our full Moon lunar eclipse.  Eclipses bring change, the vernal equinox brings change – the universe cannot make it any clearer! Set those intentions and get moving. We will have bigger cosmic kick in the pants this year.

This is a Libra- Aries eclipse so we are still working on the energy of boundaries between where we start and others end. Do you go too overboard to accommodate others or do you think only of yourself? Where are the boundaries? Where do you need to re-set those boundaries?

You can view the eclipse on line if you can’t see it live at  http://www.virtualtelescope.eu/2015/03/03/4-april-2015-total-lunar-eclipse-live-event-online/


PS – This is has no astrological significance but this will be the shortest lunar eclipse of the century and will last less than four minutes.