Jupiter Goes Direct

Feel the Abundance of the Universe!


After all of these months of bad astrological signs, we have been on a roll of good news in March and April and that good news continues. This week, on April 8, Jupiter that jumbo planet with expansive and growth energy leaves retrograde and goes direct.

Jupiter is the heart of optimism, growth, generosity and abundance. Speaking of heart, Jupiter is now in the sign of Leo the Lion a fire sign ruling the area of the heart. So jump into life! Feel the abundance offered by the universe.

Leo is a fire sign and Jupiter rules Sagittarius, another fire sign, so there should be no holding you back from making opportunities and making the most of those that come into your path. This is a perfect time to literally burn through negative thoughts and blockages.

It is spring – Jupiter is back in a forward motion in Leo – open the windows, clean out the cobwebs and complete the plans that have been stewing all winter!

One word of caution – all of that energy can go into overdrive. The shadow of Jupiter is overconfidence, gambling – throwing all caution to the wind. If you are someone prone to going overboard, you might want to consult with a down-to-Earth Virgo friend to help keep your feet on the ground.



Photo courtesy of Salvatore Vuono