Jupiter and May Day

It is almost May Day! The first of May has always been a joyous time marking the point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. Traditionally it was a time when the Celtic people displayed fresh greenery that was coming back to life after a brutal winter. In a symbolic gesture to the new life of spring, fires were snuffed, fireplaces cleaned and new fires lit. The ritual that perhaps brought the most joy and relief to the villagers was returning the cows to the pasture and away from the homes and barns. Spending the winter in close quarters with cattle, while necessary could not have been enjoyable.

May 1 chart

Thankfully, most of us do not have to deal with the intimate actions of cattle these days but we can still celebrate Beltane. It is a wonderful way to thank the universe for the seasons and this season of renewal and rebirth. This Beltane, Jupiter will be in Leo. Since Jupiter rules Sagittarius, a fire sign like Leo, we have a lot of fire around our largest planet. The archetypal energy of Jupiter is unbridled growth, optimism and curiosity.

Combined with spring energy this is a perfect recipe for planning, exploring, growing and changing. Don’t waste that energy! What do you want to accomplish this spring. What new avenues do you want to explore? Is there a class you want to take? DO it now – take Jupiter by the wings and fly!