Mercury on the Move on Thanksgiving

On Thursday of this week, November 27, Mercury enters Sagittarius. Considering his speed, it is interesting that he will stay there until December 16. That is a long time for Mercury. This is a great transition time from the inward work that a Mercury in Scorpio transit asks to and outward expression of your thoughts and feelings. Along with the upward and outward searching aspect, that is such a part of Sagittarius, optimism and a thirst for knowledge is prevalent.

Ok here is the good and the bad of this ingress on Thanksgiving. On one hand, Sagittarius is gregarious, outgoing, and interesting in gleaning knowledge from every source. However, Sagittarius in overdrive is fundamentalism, righteousness and the tendency for people to see only their side of the truth. Can you see the makings of some interesting Thanksgiving discussions?

On Sunday, just as the Thanksgiving reverse rush ensues, Mercury squares Neptune. Not only is this a bad time for making contracts, it can also lead to last minute disagreements as people aren’t always as sincere with their word. So make an extra effort no look for last minute family slights.

Have a happy Thanksgiving and remember – the upside of Mercury in Sagittarius is warmth, fun and an honest exchange of ideas!