New Moon in Leo Tonight

The New Moon happens when the path of the Moon is closest to the Sun. Because the Sun’s power dwarfs that of the Moon, it is unseen to us on Earth. This invisibility makes it a good time to manifest – or express your secrets – to both the Sun and the Moon.
A New Moon always happens in the same sign simultaneously inhabited by the Sun. Since this in August and the Sun is in Leo, the Moon is as well. Leo brings out our creativity, fire and confidence. What do you wish to bring into your life that will make you stand out and apart from the crowd? Where do you want to shine?
Mars, which is still retrograded, moved back into Scorpio last month, and today slowly makes his way back in Sagittarius, which like Leo is another fire sign. This can bring up hidden angers and long festering and unrequited demands to those not properly attuned to this energy.
However, if you can harness the fire of Leo, Mars and Sagittarius and funnel them toward positive change you can make great leaps toward your goals this week.
(By the way, Donald Trump has a Leo ascendant with Mars resting on the cusp of the first house. If you are wondering why he is having more trouble than usual controlling his impulses, look to this fire energy for some answers.)