Preparing for the Saturn/Jupiter Square

In addition to all of the other “wonderful” retrogrades and squares we have this year, June and July will see the squaring of two planetary titans, Jupiter and Saturn. These two don’t like playing in the same ballpark under normal circumstances. This square will make their dance even more awkward.

Jupiter is the planet of growth, expansion, travel, optimism and learning our truth. Saturn dwells in the land of restriction, structure, studiousness – even depression and following in the footsteps of our elders.

As always, it is important to know where these planets were at the time you were born to understand fully how their square will affect you. In general, this is a time when movement and growth is restricted and when we feel stuck in a known pattern.

Because Saturn is in retrograde, the best use of this time of restless energy, is to explore what is holding you back from blazing new trails. Why can’t you get out of your rut, really? Is it your job, your boss, you kids, or is it your fear? Be honest with yourself as you turn your gaze inward to learn how you may be your own roadblock. Let Jupiter give you the courage to try make a change and take back a sense of joy and purpose in your life.

Conversely, you may also be someone who has been too Jupiter in your recent actions. Are you spending too much, traveling too much, not saving for that rainy day and taking too many risks? Is your insurance up to date, are you putting some money in your IRA – do you have an IRA? We blame Saturn for being kind of a fuddy duddy but we all need that energy of responsibility no matter how hard we fight it.

Be honest with yourself. Squares are difficult but they can also boost us into making profound changes. Without them we would never grow.