“The Heart of Mars” With Adam Gainsburg –

What is your masculine dharma? This has nothing to do with sex or your sexuality. All of us have a feminine and masculine dharma to explore and live. Listen to my interview with Adam Gainsburg founder of Soulsign Astrology as he discusses the “Heart of Mars.”


Election Day 2012 – continued “The Girls Rule”

As I mentioned last week, with Mercury going retrograde on Election Day – there can be any number of tricks going on – voting machines breaking down, funny “contracts” being made, deceptions galore. Remember the last time and only other time Mercury turned retro on Election Day – 2000? Need I say more?

That said there are several good things in President Obama’s chart on that day. On this triwheel of his birth chart, progressed chart and then transit chart of the day, I am first drawn to progressed Venus conjuncting his Black Moon Lilith in the 7th house – the house of close contacts. Venus, of course, is the ultimate woman, Lilith is the ultimate “bad girl.” She is the rebel who said I do it my way not his way. Those two combined in the fiery sign of Leo leads me to think alot of peeved women are going to come together and give the President a boost on that day!

However, this is squaring a very strong Mars in the 10th – the house of career and public.  Now Mars (conjunct Juno) in the 10th is a good placement for the President – but when it squares his progressed Venus it makes me think that there will be a male -female battle that the women are going to have to win.

More on Mars next time.

Podcast on the current Venus cycle!

I would like to invite you to a wonderful podcast from Adam Gainsburg, an amazing astrology.

Learn and explore the meanings of the extraordinary alignments in the current Venus Cycle!

Live, video podcast between astrologers Gary Caton andAdam Gainsburg exploring in-depth the meanings and portents underneath the June-July alignments of Venus, Ceres, Vesta, the star Aldebaran, the Pleiades and Jupiter. This is Real Sky astrology at its collective consciousness and spiritual best


photo courtesy of arlenew.com

Mars and Venus conjunction tonight

Mars and Venus are in conjunction tonight in the 9th house- the house of spiritual seeking. This is a wonderful placement to engage the energy of Mars and the beauty of Venus – in your spiritual journey.

Participate in a meditation led by the man who taught me so much about astrology, Adam Gainsburg of Soulsign Astrology…

From Adam: “The only conjunction of the tantric planets in 2011, tonight’s Meditation will both illuminate and somaticize this unique conjoining between Mars and Venus.”

No need to register! Just dial…

+218-936-4700 with 885588#

When: 23 May 2011, 8p ET, 30-45 minutes (please adjust for your time zone).

Prep: Light a candle, Quiet your mind, Make some love, Breath into your Heart’s altar

Why (to participate): Because there is no better cosmic reflection for our Inner Union than a Mars Venus conjunction

Mars Venus Opposition.

Feeling cranky, out of sorts? Energy low? Having even more trouble with money as usual? Blame it on Venus – or Mars or both. Right now Mars and Venus are in opposition to one another in the sky. (They will remain at odds until March 11.) Venus is in Aquarius – the sign of freedom and independence and unconventionality – and Mars is in solid and self-focused Leo. Can you see the fireworks?

To make matters more fun, for the rest of this week, the Sun and Venus are in conjunction with one another. So we have the solar power and energy of the Sun fueling the Aquarian desire to break the bonds we feel around us.

How this energy plays out with each of us, of course, depends on our personal charts. If you have Mars and Venus in a disharmonious placement natally, you are going to be really feeling the desire for independence, the demand to put yourself first. This could make for some unpleasant times with loved ones. Happy Valentine’s Day All!

Because Venus deals with resources, there is a desire to break lose – spend a little more than you should – be a little more carefree – spend on yourself. Aquarius freedom and Leo self centeredness can convince us this is the perfect time to buy the latest really expensive gadget even though we know it will be cheaper six months down the road.

Even if you aren’t feeling the negative effects of this placement, this is an excellent time to work on balancing your male and female energy – meditate on the two planets the feminine Venus and masculine Mars and how to align those forces. Check out the SoulSign website – for Adam’s Mars/Venus attunement meditations.