Hello Mars!

Mars is in the news today and for good reason! Curiosity made a picture perfect landing early this morning – congrats to NASA and Yankee technology.

So what is old Mars doing today? Well it is hanging out in the sky in the constellation of Libra conjuncting Saturn. You know I am sometimes a critic of Saturn – wrongly so I admit – but I am very glad he was visiting Mars during this critical landing. Saturn governs time, space, form and structure. It is the master of precision and doing things by the book – which is what NASA had to do to nail this landing.  Saturn had a lot to do with making everything work according to rules and like clock work.

It is also funny that both planets are in the sign of Libra – the sign of cooperation and sharing with others. All of that hard work had to be well coordinated between divisions. A great deal of sharing of knowledge had to be perfected. Libra is a big on sharing!

So congratulations NASA and thanks Libra for helping them keep the flow of information going and a special thanks to Saturn for keeping that somewhat rambunctious Mars from potentially kicking off the lander as it had done before. 🙂

Hello Mars.

Making Friends With Saturn

Ok I know I have a hard time with Saturn. I have mentioned that before. He is often depicted as the old task master – the uber authoritarian figure. He is always well – just too darned Republican for me.
However, now that Saturn is in my first house – the house of personality and how I am perceived by the world I am going to have to face him – and even make friends with him.

Saturn may be a task master but he makes us pay attention to where he is – he makes us work on these issues to make them better. He points out where we are off the right track and urges us to get back on target.

Look at your chart. Where was Saturn when you were born? That house is where you are going to face issues that make you feel unsafe, insecure – where you are going to have to overcome feelings of inadequacy. I have never seen a chart with Saturn in the first house, for instance, where the person didn’t face some level of depression in their lifetime.

I was born with Saturn in the second – so I always need to feel financially safe. (Second house is how we stabilize our selves in the world – how we feel secure.) I hated being a consultant because my checks were not regular. I need to know what I have in the bank.

If it appears in the third house then there are issues of communications and education,. And so on….

Saturn like all of the other planets are always moving in the universe. Right now Saturn is transiting my first house. Were I prone to depression it might be a rough time. As it is, I feel the need to move inward. I am paying more attention to my body and how I put “myself out there.”

Yes Saturn is a pain but if we didn’t have someone pointing out where we need to improve where would we be.

Saturn will be in my first house for at least another 15 months. One thing I know if I don’t lose those last ten pounds now I will have no one to blame but myself and certainly not Saturn!

The Second House- Survival!

I know I have spent a ton of time of the 1st house or ascendant. It is a really important house, OK? However, there are other houses in the sky as they say. The second house is one easy to misinterpret. The traditional assignment given it is that it is the house of resources and money. Oh, have a strong second house and you will put Bill Gates in the poor house. Wrong! As is typical for much of Western Astrology that explanation is too pat, too compact, too trite.

The second house resonates to survival. More specifically it resonates to that which we need to ensure our survival…material goods upon which we rely to keep going. Yes, there is an aspect of money especially in a capitalistic society such as ours. Someone with a strong, well aspected second house is going to want more, as George Carlin would say, “stuff.” A person whose second house is badly aspected may fall into squandering money or even hoarding things. However, it is not all about money.

What resides in the second house is the question, “what do I need to keep me satisfied and comfortable?”

A heavily Aquarian second house is going to make a person really not concerned at all with wall paintings and McMansions. A car will have four wheels and an engine, of sorts. Work will be done for the pleasure of work or for the social good it will do and there will be little worries about building a pension. Top off the house with a strong Capricorn influence and that person will be toiling day and night perhaps in a job they hate to have the ability to buy what they want and to save up for old age. If Taurus alights there then hours will be spent a Neiman Marcus and Dolce and Gabana.

Each one of the latter two people will argue until death that all of things around them are totally necessary for them to survive. They don’t do it for the “stuff”. They do it for that inner feeling of peace of survival those goods bring them. That is the key to the second house.

With my Saturn in the second house I hated being a consultant because the paychecks were sporadic and the contract could be canceled at any time. (Saturn is ruled by Capricorn.) I had to build a business – steady and reliable. Now friends tell me to give up all other sources of income and rely solely on astrology. The picture is romantic – living in a small house with few financial responsibilities surrounded by my charts. But Saturn keeps screaming at me – are you nuts, you need money coming in regularly, you need security, and you need to save for your even older age? The idea threatens me at the level of basic survival and I shudder at that thought.

That is what the second house does to us. Pretty important little guy, No?