Happy Spring!

Happy Equinox all! This is the time when the Sun moves into the sign of Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac. It is no wonder that all of the major organized religions celebrate this time as a time of rebirth and renewal. Aries is the Baby of the Zodiac. It vibrates to the energy of the first house – the house of personality where we burst out and say hey world look at me. The Equinox brings forth the newness of spring – where we plant new seeds for change.
Plant the seeds now to burst forth with the person you want to be when the summer solstice comes around!
This year we have a stellium (five or more bodies) together in Pisces. They include a tight conjunction of the Sun, Mercury and Venus. On the positive aspect of this – these instill creativity, compassion and concern which I believe we are seeing in reaction to the draconian elements of Trump world. In shadow, all of this Pisces energy can give us the desire to escape harsh reality and live in fantasy. I hope we remain on the side of compassion.
Spring is a time for renewal – let’s hope we all understand the value and need for continuing emergence of spirit.
Happy Spring. Equinox 2017 - spring

A Pisces Vernal Equinox

The Vernal Equinox is a time to put all of the resting, rejuvenating energy of winter into action and literally burst forth with a new you, much like a new crop of flowers we begin to see this time of year.

This year we have a stellium of planets in the spiritual sign of Pisces. Venus, Neptune, Ceres, Chiron, Mercury and even the South Node are all in Pisces this year. We should not deny that amount of spiritual energy. Pisces connects us to the larger mysteries of the universe. Use this time to reach your highest spiritual goals. How do you want to connect to source, how do you want to live a more spiritual life? You have thought about this – now is the time to do it.

You must also remember the shadow aspect of Pisces which is escapism and illusion. Do not continue to put off the changes that you want to make or to, as they say, act is if you are the person you want to be.
Go head first into a new spiritual existence just like the flowers burst their heads forth into a new world.

Vernal Equinox 16

Happy Equinox.