The Positives of Retrogrades: Don’t Miss The Opportunities

Guest Writer: Julie Gray – Julie Gray is a holistic time coach and organizer helping others to eliminate overwhelm and enjoy more peace of mind – even when life gets crazy. She has tips to utilize the Pluto/Saturn retrograde.

Pluto/Saturn Double Retrograde – Get Organized!

Saturn went into retro on March 25 and Pluto on April 18. You couldn’t create a better time to structure your life. Pluto demands deep change and Saturn is the zodiac’s organizer. Saturn controls time, form, structure and all things that keeps us from total anarchy. If you can never get projects done on time, if you can’t find anything as you race out the door, if your house and life is in disorder – pay attention. This is the time to get the work done to get yourself back in order.

I have asked my friend and super organizer Julie Gray of Profound Impact to give us some tips on how to take those important first steps. Visit her website and discover your own “time personality” and how this can help you slow life down – while getting more done!

Five Steps to Organize Any Room in Your Home

Over 2000 years ago Aristotle stated that, “Nature abhors a vacuum.” This is known as Horror Vacui in the scientific world and The Universal Law of the Vacuum in spiritual communities.

If you open or puncture a vacuum-sealed container, air will rush to fill that space. Similarly if you let go of a relationship that isn’t working, a job that no longer fills you with joy, or (mental) clutter that is weighing you down – the universe will rush to fill this open space with positive people, energy, creativity, and opportunities – whatever you are lining up.

If you are itching for a change in your life – even if you aren’t sure what it is you want to change – decluttering your space is a powerful place to start.

Our stuff holds a lot of energy. It has the power to weigh us down even when we aren’t anywhere near our belongings. On the other side, I’ve never worked with anyone that didn’t feel immediately lighter after releasing what no longer serves them.

I’ve seen people lose weight, find a relationship, receive a windfall, go back to school, get a promotion, move to a new city, regain their confidence, enjoy more peace of mind.
Please don’t think I am attributing these big shifts entirely to the organizing process. That would be unfair. However I do believe that when you are ready to declutter you are already in the process of creating change. In addition, decluttering is like pouring gas on the fire. It is an accelerator.

Are you ready to get started?

Here are my five favorite steps for decluttering and organizing any room in your home. Be sure to let me know how these worked for you!

1. Clear out anything not related to that space’s function.
Throw out or donate the stuff about which you’ve already made decisions. Take to your car what you’ve been meaning to return or give back to a friend. Put things away. This step goes fast. Don’t get hung up in indecision paralysis. Starting here will build a ton of momentum and feel amazing.

2. Group like items together. You’ve most likely heard of this organizing principle before. It is critical to collect and store similar items together. Think of your office supplies, books, spices in the kitchen, bills to pay, and in-progress craft projects. Imagine that each category is its own family and you are creating little homes for all the family members to live together. You will tweak these categories over time. Always be on the lookout for new categories that want to live together.

3. Assign a home. As mentioned above, each of these categories – or new little families – that you’ve created needs a home. Notice the homes you’ve already created. Your reading pile by your bed, your bills by the front door, your vitamins next to the water glasses in the kitchen. You’ve selected homes that that work for you. Do this with the new categories you’ve created. Containers can *sometimes* help but not always.

4. Maintain. Even before you have finished your decluttering and organizing projects it is necessary to start a ritual or routine to reset your space at the end of day or week. One of my clients dubbed it the “7 Minute Sweep” in her household. Each evening they would set the timer for 7 minutes and as fast as possible pick items up and put them back where they belong.

5. Make it easy. One of the biggest tricks for keeping your space organized and clutter-free(ish) is to keep things simple. Make your space very easy to maintain. This may mean that you:

Delegate your filing to the babysitter or your assistant
Only leave half of your decorations out at any time put the rest “on rotation”
Leave piles on the floor if they work for you and aren’t causing anxiety
Create labels by hand or don’t use any at all (unless of course they help!)

Take notice in your home and office of where you are adding extra steps that don’t need to be there. Go the simple and easy route – for you.

Now it’s your turn to declutter. What could rush into your life if you released what is no longer serving you? How much better would you sleep? How much more creativity and energy would you have?

I encourage you to try this out and see for yourself.