Venus in Retrograde –


Venus turns retrograde on July 25 through September 8. Venus teaches lessons about value – what is valuable to you – what is your self-worth? It is a good time to stop and evaluate the relative “worth” of relationships. Are you valuing the people in your life and, of course, are they returning the favor.  It is a time to become aware of hidden relationship issues that need resolution. Retrogrades are not always easy but they can be a necessary tool to clean out the detritus in our lives.

Venus also shines in the area of money. Remember, women control the purse strings. Do you have a healthy relationship with money? How does money flow in and out of your life? Is it with ease or in fear?

It is important to note that retrogrades are not a good time for action, especially because Venus will be in Virgo, a sign known for its ability to be to critical both of self and others. There are too many opportunities to use the wrong words, to read a mood incorrectly. This is a time for assessment and evaluation. Wait until September and the forward movement of Venus to act on your decisions.