Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Pisces? How cool is that?

Yes kids, Jupiter and Uranus are now spinning around the universe in 29 and 28 degrees of Pisces respectively – hugging quite close to one another. What does it mean to have the broad, expansive seeker of truth (Jupiter) conjunct with Uranus, the quick change artist, in that nebulous sign of Pisces? Keep in mind – and this is something people often forget — you will only feel the effects of transits if they trigger something in your birth chart. For instance, if you were born with Mars in Pisces, when it comes around to Pisces again you are going to feel it. Someone born with Mars in Aries isn’t going to feel a Mars in Pisces transit. Uranus and Jupiter don’t come back around to the signs in which we were born in our lifetimes (unless we live well into our 90s) so you will feel the impact of these two if they are in aspect to your Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury or Venus (the personal planets.)

For the most part, two outer planets making a strong conjunction throw more of an influence over society as a whole than to individuals.

Ok that over with; let’s see what is cooking with Jupiter and Uranus. Jupiter in Pisces is a time when mystical tendencies and religious fervor are at a peak. Uranus in Pisces heightens intuition and heightens spiritual awareness. Hmmm….none of that going on in the world right now!

Ok you want another twist? Of course you do. Both planets are in retrograde right now. That means they look as though they are going in reverse in the sky. Astrologically it indicates a time when those energies of that planet have to find a new way of expressing themselves. It is as though the normal channel is clogged and the energy has to make a new pathway.

I can’t help but feel that the current Tea Party craziness and Fox media stars attempting to portray themselves as preachers bringing religion to American government are all a part of this sideways Jupiter/Uranus energy. Yeah I know I thought the religious right was gone for good too.

Threats of Koran burning, lies about “Ground Zero Mosques” – these are all expressions of this heightened energy too

Jupiter and Uranus will stay in this conjunction until late April 2011 so hang on kids. Let’s just hope cooler heads can keep them hosed down before they do any real damage

August 28, 2010 – and I don’t like it.

I recently posted to my Facebook page a note about there being no hope for American politics if the allegedly unbiased media allows stories of hate and disinformation such as the so called ground zero mosque to distort reality. Progressives have almost no outlet for information dissemination with FOX, the arm of the radical elements of the GOP, spewing distortions on a 24-7 basis and the main stream media lapping up everything they say and pushing it out as viable news. (Remember Shirley Sherrod?) It is one stream of nonsense after another blown up as a major news story and then drummed into our brains over and over.

On August 28th Glenn Beck is planning another hate-a-palooza here in Washington, called the “Restoring Honor Rally.”  He claims he had no idea it was the anniversary of the historic Martin Luther King speech on the same Washington Mall. Oh please..and they just happen to be having the rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, right?

Astrologically it will be a busy day over Washington. Mars and Venus will be in conjunction in Libra in the first house. Libra, whose shadow is co-dependence and looking for excuses in the “other” – will have a field day with these whiners who we never heard from when Pres. Bush was running up the huge deficits we have now but squawk when President Obama buys a diet Pepsi.

Mars, the ancient god of war, will do his best to add fire and vitriol to the nonsense that poor Mr. Lincoln will have to sit quietly by and listen to all morning.  To make matters worse, Saturn, the task master,  and Vesta, the asteroid which depicts the spot of our fervent heart’s desire – of extreme dedication – will also be in conjunction with the Venus/Mars duo. It will bring out the the hard core haters and we may be very shocked even by this crowd with what we hear.

If that isn’t interesting enough, the emotional Moon will be in Mars – again the god of war – and in the 7th house – the house ruled by Libra – vibrating to the energy “other person.”  I don’t see tell tale signs of violence here – but emotions could get out of hand.

It will be a day of anger squared which will be carried for hours on end by the press. I for one, am tired of it and am very glad that the NAACP will also be on hand to take another stand against hate.

What’s The Deal With Pat Robertson?

So called Christian, Pat Robertson, did it again this week with the absurd comment that Haiti deserves what it got and has gotten over the years because it made a “pact with the Devil.”
How anyone can look at humans trapped, starving and in sheer agony and say oh well you are bad and you deserve it, is beyond me.

Unfortunately, we don’t know his birth time. His birth was March 22, 1930 in Lexington, Virginia but without a known birth time we can’t calculate his rising sign or accurately place the planets in the correct houses.

We do know, of course, that he is an Aries, the Ram – barely. I once read that people born in the early segments of each sign exhibit the strongest attributes of that sign. While I have never done my own analysis on this, it certainly works in this case. Aries starts on March 21. The adjectives most used to describe Aries are trailblazer and leader – and he certainly has done in the broadcasting field. The Shadow of Aries is rampant selfishness. They are the babies of the zodiac and like children, must be heard and must have things their own way – no matter what. A baby will scream at three in the morning if hungry and a selfish Aries will say hurtful and hateful things to enrich his coffers and get publicity.

When he was born, Uranus, the planetary odd ball, and Venus, the planet of the heart, were in conjunction. This could easily explain his bizarre emotions and even his absurd notions of love and marriage. (This man who criticizes gays for “destroying marriage“- changed his own marriage certificate to hide the fact his first son was born 10 weeks after he was married.) Basically, his heart doesn’t work like others — it is a little off kilter.

There are no excuses here. We can’t say oh poor thing he is a victim of his chart. There are lots of early Aries, with Uranus conjunct Venus wandering around out there and they don’t become peddlers of hate. Our charts are fixed at birth but no so our free will and ability to grow and learn. Robertson will be 80 years old this year, he isn’t about to change. His North Node, where he should be going to, is in Taurus which is ironically ruled by Venus. He had the chance to open his heart, become more grounded and learn to appreciate the resources around him.

However, he has chosen to close his heart to humanity, and use the resources of the gullible to his best interest – (remember the 1994 scandal with the Zaire diamond mind?)