What’s up with the Earth? Volcanos and Earthquakes and Sinkholes Oh My!

Since I am NOT heading to the airport to catch a flight to Stockholm as I thought I would be doing today thanks to a “friendly neighborhood” Icelandic volcano- I decided to take some time and ponder the question, “What is the deal, Earth?” From earthquakes in Haiti, Chile and Mexico (among others) to this volcanic eruption, it seems “terra firma” isn’t so much these days. If you listen to Pat Robertson (and, why would you) he would say it is a sign of the “end of times.” Why do these guys love the end of the world so much? Could it be it is all the better to control terrified people? But I digress.

If you are a beloved follower of this blog you will know that I have spent some time on the movement of Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is a pokey, mini planet that packs a punch because it deals with transformation and change. Because it moves so slowly, Pluto has time to get into the “guts” of the sign it inhabits and really penetrate to the core making changes to long standing beliefs.

Capricorn is the sign dealing with the authority structures that keep society in place….the structure we live within.

In previous blogs I have talked about the changes Pluto in Capricorn is bringing to politics from the sublime – Obama – to the ridiculous – the Tea Party. (NOTE to the Republican Party, while you are trying to harness the power of the Tea Party while keeping them at arm’s length, just keep in mind the last time we had Pluto here we had the French Revolution. It was the epitome of gang revolt that went too far and feed off those who brought it to power.) All things have a positive and shadow outcome – it is the yin and yang of life.

Pluto here also changed the monetary system and brought around failures to long standing financial institutions.

However, let’s take this another step. What can be more “Capricornian” that Earth – the actual structure of the land on which we stand? Right now, Pluto and Saturn are making a “trine aspect” a flowing aspect of 30 degrees and both are in Earth signs. Saturn is now in Virgo. Because Saturn rules Capricorn – we are now in a period of double dose of change to our structures. What better time for earthquakes and volcanoes? Remember last week I spoke of “aspects”? This is a very powerful one – Saturn, ruler of Capricorn is trine to Pluto in Capricorn – that is whole lot of shaking up going on.

Pluto will remain in Capricorn until 2024, the Earth won’t keep rolling the whole time but it will be an active time and when strong aspects like this come around we will be more susceptible to this kind of natural “disaster.” I put that in quotes because while these things are devastating to the people in the area, the Earth changes it is the nature of the beast.

When Pluto was in:

Sagittarius 1995 – 2008 – the time of spiritual awareness – the shadow being fundamentalism.

Scorpio 1983 – 1995 – the time of the sexual revolution – the shadow being sexual prevision made more public.

Libra – 1971 – 1983 – the time when relationships and the ideas of romance changed – the shadow being our obsession with youth, beauty and cosmetic alterations.

Virgo 1958 – 1971 – the time of the rise of the women’s movement – and environmental movement –
The shadow being the growth of “fast food” and environmental pollutants.

Leo -1939 – 1958 – the time when the “baby boomers – the ME generation was born.” It was the time when the individual came into focus – the value of one person was learned but can you find a more self obsessed, ego centric group of people than we boomers?

What’s The Deal With Pat Robertson?

So called Christian, Pat Robertson, did it again this week with the absurd comment that Haiti deserves what it got and has gotten over the years because it made a “pact with the Devil.”
How anyone can look at humans trapped, starving and in sheer agony and say oh well you are bad and you deserve it, is beyond me.

Unfortunately, we don’t know his birth time. His birth was March 22, 1930 in Lexington, Virginia but without a known birth time we can’t calculate his rising sign or accurately place the planets in the correct houses.

We do know, of course, that he is an Aries, the Ram – barely. I once read that people born in the early segments of each sign exhibit the strongest attributes of that sign. While I have never done my own analysis on this, it certainly works in this case. Aries starts on March 21. The adjectives most used to describe Aries are trailblazer and leader – and he certainly has done in the broadcasting field. The Shadow of Aries is rampant selfishness. They are the babies of the zodiac and like children, must be heard and must have things their own way – no matter what. A baby will scream at three in the morning if hungry and a selfish Aries will say hurtful and hateful things to enrich his coffers and get publicity.

When he was born, Uranus, the planetary odd ball, and Venus, the planet of the heart, were in conjunction. This could easily explain his bizarre emotions and even his absurd notions of love and marriage. (This man who criticizes gays for “destroying marriage“- changed his own marriage certificate to hide the fact his first son was born 10 weeks after he was married.) Basically, his heart doesn’t work like others — it is a little off kilter.

There are no excuses here. We can’t say oh poor thing he is a victim of his chart. There are lots of early Aries, with Uranus conjunct Venus wandering around out there and they don’t become peddlers of hate. Our charts are fixed at birth but no so our free will and ability to grow and learn. Robertson will be 80 years old this year, he isn’t about to change. His North Node, where he should be going to, is in Taurus which is ironically ruled by Venus. He had the chance to open his heart, become more grounded and learn to appreciate the resources around him.

However, he has chosen to close his heart to humanity, and use the resources of the gullible to his best interest – (remember the 1994 scandal with the Zaire diamond mind?)