There is a correlation between our inner being and the vast universe. Evolutionary Astrology illuminates your current life Soul-intent while analyzing and reviewing past life gifts and blockages. Because the Soul is the most profound level of our being, it produces the widest and most meaningful context for direction in our lives. As the old saying goes, you can’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you have been. I provide the “a ha” moments as you uncover subconscious blockages and bring latent gifts to life. No matter how many times we reincarnate we are never the same person again – make the most of each life – live a life that is most in tuned with the universe and nourishes your soul most deeply.
No worries, it will retrograde back into Scorpio from its current position of zero degrees Sagittarius on June 14 and will stay there until August 1. Poor Saturn, he gets the blame for so much in Astrology. He is the old taskmaster – the bad guy who makes us eat our broccoli. (I happen to love broccoli but you get the picture.) Saturn says, do your homework, clean you room, get it together, keep working and keep your eye on the goal.
In retrograde, Saturn brings a larger dose of guilt and self-doubt. It is when we “should all over ourselves.” I should do this and that better, I should meet that deadline, I should work harder, etc. Our fears of letting others down or of not filling our responsibilities – can get a bit out of control.
When this happens in Scorpio, we beat ourselves up about and face consequences regarding, money, personal resources, power, and relationships.
So this could be the summer of beating ourselves up OR we can take a quick assessment of these areas. Am I handling my money well, am I saving, and I overspending? Am I in control of and using my power wisely? Do it now and then tell Saturn I am spending my summer at the pool because I did my homework!
If you are on the East Coast – the Moon is now full – it went full at 12: 19 PM on June 2. With the Sun in Gemini, the Moon is in the opposite sign of Sagittarius. The Gemini-Sagittarius axis is one of learning and communication. Gemini wants to grab the headlines and keep moving and Sagittarius is all about sitting down with a reference book and gleaning every drop of information. This Moon passage is all about balancing those two urges.
Keeping in mind that Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, is still in retrograde, I am opting on the side of deep learning. Use this Full Moon to work on gathering deep knowledge on a topic that you may have long been avoiding.– Sagittarius is the seeker of truth and will go to the ends of the universe to find it.
The challenge she hands to Gemini is not just skim the “bold text” but go deep, find perspective, analyze the details and facts and see things from many sides. Find that book, take up that course; you can even read them by the light of full Moon with the lovely name of “strawberry moon” because it is the time of strawberry picking!
Yes, I said those dreaded words – Mercury in retro in her ruling planet. (Cue the spooky music.) However, I want to look at this in a different way – one without fear. Maybe we need a time to break away from communications and find another form of entertainment. We are so hyper-connected, we live and die by the computer, the phone, the — you name it. Maybe Mercury needs to make our communications go a bit loco for a bit just to remind us that there is a world beyond our screens. So those missed messages and appointments and computer episodes can be the universes way of telling us to walk away from all of that and go take a walk in the May air!
Be on guard for the “loose lip syndrome” during this time. This happens when you reply to the wrong email and or thinking you are talking to someone and you are really addressing someone else. Take that also as a call to walk away, breath and enjoy other aspects of life!
The Moon will join the Sun in Taurus and will be making a flowing aspect to Neptune. If you have been hiding those paints, embroidery needles or any other artistic material under the bed with the promise that you will bring them to light on that illusive “someday,” now is the time to rescue them.
courtesy of
Ruled by the creative muse, Venus, Taurus knows how to make the world prettier, whether in the house or in the garden. Neptune loves photography and is no slouch in any creative arena. Use her ability to escape reality to dream up the image of what you want to achieve. You can find the perfect spot for the rosebush. Yes, you can close your eyes and image the perfect color for the blanket you are crocheting. Dream it – believe it – make it. You have Venus on your side.
With the Sun in Taurus, the sign of comfort, values, resources and self-worth – and the Moon at its fullest in Scorpio, the great transformer – it is a perfect time to contemplate value. What do you value? What is your value? Do you value yourself enough or too much, perhaps?
Because Jupiter will still be in fiery Leo and forming a T Square to the Sun and Moon, we can take this to a deeper level. This will activate our desire to question spiritual and religious values. Therefore, our questions need to revolve around beliefs. Are they antiquated for you now or do they still service your inner needs?
Perhaps the best question to ask this full Moon is – What is sacred to me? It can’t be any easier than that!
It is almost May Day! The first of May has always been a joyous time marking the point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. Traditionally it was a time when the Celtic people displayed fresh greenery that was coming back to life after a brutal winter. In a symbolic gesture to the new life of spring, fires were snuffed, fireplaces cleaned and new fires lit. The ritual that perhaps brought the most joy and relief to the villagers was returning the cows to the pasture and away from the homes and barns. Spending the winter in close quarters with cattle, while necessary could not have been enjoyable.
Thankfully, most of us do not have to deal with the intimate actions of cattle these days but we can still celebrate Beltane. It is a wonderful way to thank the universe for the seasons and this season of renewal and rebirth. This Beltane, Jupiter will be in Leo. Since Jupiter rules Sagittarius, a fire sign like Leo, we have a lot of fire around our largest planet. The archetypal energy of Jupiter is unbridled growth, optimism and curiosity.
Combined with spring energy this is a perfect recipe for planning, exploring, growing and changing. Don’t waste that energy! What do you want to accomplish this spring. What new avenues do you want to explore? Is there a class you want to take? DO it now – take Jupiter by the wings and fly!
Pluto turned retrograde on April 16 and will continue this shy motion until September 25. If you think Pluto is intense when direct, than double that and perhaps you will get to the power she has to do her work when retrograde. That might seem a bit counterintuitive; how can a planet be more powerful in retrograde? The answer lies in what Pluto does so well, which is turn inward and root out the “muck” of life that we keep hidden mostly from ourselves. A planetary retrograde turns the energy of that body inward, therefore, Pluto is very much at home with a retrograde motion.
How can you use that in your chart? Find your transiting Pluto (you can employ the help of an astrologer that you might happen to know) and examine the lessons of the house it is passing through. For instance, a retrograde Pluto in the first is demanding you to answer questions about your deepest personality issues. If she is in the 10th house, the questions will swirl around how your present yourself for public approval.
Whatever the house, don’t let this time go to waste. Pluto is the planet that makes us “the offer we can’t refuse.” Don’t make her go all medieval on you to open your eyes on areas that require some very deep personal reflection.
I knew it was inevitable. The questions about the Hillary Clinton Presidential announcement would start as soon as they uploaded the video – and they did. Did Hilary pick a good time to announce her 2016 campaign?
Hillary Clinton Presidential Kick off
With Saturn retrograded in her first house, I am very happy that she did not plan a huge rally. Saturn generally puts a blanket on the house in which it transits. Saturn in the first even without the retrograde, the house of personality, is a time when we wish to withdraw, when our words are hesitant and our actions not conducive to backslapping and frivolity. It should be a time of introspection.
Pluto – big time, rules Hillary! Her rising sign or personality is Scorpio, her Sun is in Scorpio and her South Node, her karmic ID is in Scorpio. Does it surprise anyone that she is a bit too secretive? How can she not be? Pluto rules Scorpio and it is now transiting her second house, that of self-value. Pluto is asking, no demanding, that she dig deep into the hidden much of her psyche to address issues of feeling worthlessness. Perhaps she has done this and has concluded that she can take another run at the golden apple. I hope so.
Pluto is not finished with her, however, as it is now making a conjunction with her directed Chiron and progressed Sun. This is not astrological patty cake. Chiron energetically holds deep wound issues. Where Chiron sleeps lay the head of a person deeply concerned with facing an issue that is so painful they wish to run away from its tentacles. Pluto and Chiron team up to challenge us to go deep (Pluto) and face that issue (Chiron). Remember all this demanding duo is doing the tango in her house of self-value and self-worth. The second us asks the question, do you have what it takes to make it in the world – to find your niche of safety.
If she is inclined to dodge the issue, her progressed Sun, the holder of our inner Chi – the energy of life – is sitting atop Pluto and Chiron. I doubt she can escape these questions even if she wanted.
So, was this a “good time” for Hillary to announce? If she does some very deep soul searching the answer is yes. Of course, don’t get me started on whether is making a good move for her North Node – her current souls learning curve. That is for another day.
With Jupiter and Juno (the loyalty goddess) in her ninth house activating her natal Saturn, Pluto, and Mars conjunction there, she felt the call to be on the world stage again. From that aspect, the universe is smiling down with good energy on her to reach the goals of that house – reaching out to the world – searching for the truth of the world. She wants to make that impact on the world stage – and Jupiter is pulling her along with encouragement.
If she answered Pluto’s demands, she picked a good time. If she is ignoring Pluto, she will have a bumpy personal ride.
What are her stars doing on Election Day? Well, Saturn will be leaving her first and out of retrograde but most powerful is a Progressed Mars and Directed Uranus bursting forth on her 10th house, that of career. That is a lot of power, a lot of disruptive power – a power of breaking the rules and doing things your way. It is the power of I am taking over and doing it my way. That is a good placement for the first female president as long as Uranus does not make her make rash and brash statements and frighten people with her energy.
After all of these months of bad astrological signs, we have been on a roll of good news in March and April and that good news continues. This week, on April 8, Jupiter that jumbo planet with expansive and growth energy leaves retrograde and goes direct.
Jupiter is the heart of optimism, growth, generosity and abundance. Speaking of heart, Jupiter is now in the sign of Leo the Lion a fire sign ruling the area of the heart. So jump into life! Feel the abundance offered by the universe.
Leo is a fire sign and Jupiter rules Sagittarius, another fire sign, so there should be no holding you back from making opportunities and making the most of those that come into your path. This is a perfect time to literally burn through negative thoughts and blockages.
It is spring – Jupiter is back in a forward motion in Leo – open the windows, clean out the cobwebs and complete the plans that have been stewing all winter!
One word of caution – all of that energy can go into overdrive. The shadow of Jupiter is overconfidence, gambling – throwing all caution to the wind. If you are someone prone to going overboard, you might want to consult with a down-to-Earth Virgo friend to help keep your feet on the ground.
On April 4, the window of universal energy to manifest change that began with the simultaneous Vernal Equinox and solar eclipse will “close” with our full Moon lunar eclipse. Eclipses bring change, the vernal equinox brings change – the universe cannot make it any clearer! Set those intentions and get moving. We will have bigger cosmic kick in the pants this year.
This is a Libra- Aries eclipse so we are still working on the energy of boundaries between where we start and others end. Do you go too overboard to accommodate others or do you think only of yourself? Where are the boundaries? Where do you need to re-set those boundaries?