Tag: astrology and moods
What Would the Moon Say?
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courtesy of Arlenew |
I played a little game with my class at the Institute for Spiritual Development in Washington D.C. which I unofficially entitled “What would the Moon say?” I posed the scenario, what if a someone with a very strong Sagittarian influenced walked up each sign of the zodiac as it embodied the Moon and said something totally Sag. like, “Wow that dress makes you look like Orca!” You know how Sag. is about telling the truth – or I should say their truth. How would these Moons – our emotional barometers respond?
Aries wouldn’t mince words. An Aries Moon would just deck Sag. with one well placed blow to the side of the mouth. Now if this Aries Moon were in a daintier body then the words would flow and flow and flow until Sag. was duly chopped up and humbled.
Taurus on the other hand would pull herself up to full height; straighten her dress (which is a bit snug over the bull’s hips) and say. “I don’t think you are right Sag. This dress is made from the finest of silkworms. I flew to China to oversee the spinning myself.” She would then huff off comforting herself with a box of the finest of Swiss chocolates.
“This dress? This dress is too tight? Really? How can that be I researched the purchase of this dress for three weeks? I tried on 18 different dresses. I went to 7 stores and then….” As Gemini was still babbling on Sag. runs away in self defense.
“Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.” Yes, that was Moon Child running off in tears. She will stay in her crab shell for weeks pouting and weeping.
Leo the Lions’ reaction is a wee bit different. “HOW DARE YOU! I have more knowledge about dressing in my little paw then you have in your entire quiver Sag. Begone!” Sag darts out dodging mirrors from Leo’s vast collection being tossed out at her.
Virgo doesn’t respond just immediately becomes anorexic.
“Really? Really? I asked twelve people and weighed their responses very carefully. Then I asked twelve more – it took me twenty weeks to weigh everyone’s opinion of what I should do. How could it be wrong? Libra’s scales were wobbling back and forth with such a flurry Sag. thought a wind storm was in the offing.
Scorpio whipped off her dark glasses in a furor and starred silently into Sag’s soul with such unbridled fierceness that Sag. was terrified for a week.
“Yeah well your hair looks like a home for drug addicted weasels.”
“And your perfume smells like ‘Ode De Goat.'”
“Your shoes are left-overs from the Von Trapp Family AFTER the clomped over the Alps.”
Oh my – Sag. Vs. Sag. is an ugly sight.
Capricorn never looked up from her historical tome. Who cares about such nonsense as fashion? Sag. is so frivolous.
“Wow baby so you don’t like my duds. That is cool. Hey we are all brothers and sisters under the skin where it counts. Coverings are like so superficial. It is all good.” Insulting Aquarius was such a drag.
Pisces suddenly looked even sadder if that was indeed possible! “Oh I knew it would be terrible. I just can’t pick out clothes.” Pisces was so pathetic that for a minute Sag. said he would never insult another person again…or until another ugly dress came into view and the truth just had to be told.
Why Am I In Such An Awful Mood?
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I need a little peace! |
I consider myself a pretty even-keeled person. I credit this to four cardinal signs on my “anchor houses” (1,4,7,10.) (Ah ha, me thinks me sees another blog entry about those houses on the horizon.)
Anyway, for the past week I have been grumpy and irritable and just plain not happy. This is not a state I would recommend to others or particularly enjoy myself. There had to be a reason for my general grumpiness so I went to my charts. What? You are surprised?
Low and behold there it was. The transiting Moon in Aries was exactly opposite my natal Mars. Think of it Aries, god of war, rules Mars – it is opposing my emotional barometer, the Moon. Hello. Fortunately, that Moon is a quick little sucker and that has gone away. However, when I checked my chart it was the three day high of my grump ride so I could see the Moon-Mars opposition doing it’s thing.
More importantly, and much more longer lasting. Saturn is now transiting my 12th house where my natal Mars lives. When Saturn conjuncts anything it always puts a blanket on it. Saturn holds things together – gives form and structure So big cold Saturn is pressing on my Mars warrior energy -churning. Because they are in the 12th house – the house of connection to the universe but also to things hidden, things not of the world, it shows my irritability when “the world” interrupts my solitude. I want to sit and read and let the cares of the world go by.
Saturn is poky so this will last well into winter. When the Moon comes around again I am sure to feel really crabby but at least I know why!
This is why it is good to get your yearly charts read to see what is coming on the horizon.
Happy Thanksgiving all! Could be worse – I could be a turkey. Oh, and the full Moon is Monday November 22. I will be on train to Vermont with two of my sisters. What a time to be crabby!!