Tag: Civil War
Neptune in Pisces: All Peace and Love?
Neptune moved into its ruling sign, Pisces, on February 3 and frankly I have been a bit shocked over what I have been reading in the “Astro-circles” about this movement. There is an awful lot of this is the harbinger of the new wonderful world we will all transit to in 2012 and there is nothing more wonderful than Neptune being in Pisces. Right, let’s all wait for the fairies and angels to arrive. It seems that many people are caught up in one of the biggest shadows of Pisces – that is illusion and delusion.
Don’t get me wrong Neptune in Pisces is a mild placement. It is a wonderful time for spiritual awakening and for connecting to the cosmic unconsciousness. However, let us step back into time to the last time Neptune was there. It was 1846 – 1861. Spiritualism did bloom and it was the time of Transcendentalism. Still there were many spiritual charlatans around who promised people they could see the spirits of their dead loved ones in the new found technology of photography. There were also many people running “peaceful communes” who were living well off the people who gave them all of their money in a fit of brotherhood. Lest we not forget what happened when Neptune was still in Pisces – April 12, 1861 – the attack on Fort Sumter and the start of the Civil War!
I am afraid that too many astrologers are buying into the 2012 hype and in Pisces delusion! Use these years of Pisces in Neptune to develop your spirituality and use it act on social injustice and unfair imbalance: these are wonderful aspects of the sign. Pisces knows no bounds and caste systems are distasteful to her – so be all for furthering brotherhood. Just remember that it is also a time where people can get so caught in their own reality – or rather unreality – that they can’t see anything but their own side – leading to huge battles. It is a time where escapism can be rampant – where addictions and “dropping out” are the order of the day.
Mary Todd Lincoln – Can We Find the Real Person?
The closest we can get to the “real” person is to look at her birth chart but even that is shrouded in some mystery. Most astrologers use 6:00 PM as the time of birth. When I researched it the closest I got was an entry in a Bible stating it was a “rainy early evening.” For sake of discussion, I will use the 6:00 PM time but keep in mind, the fast moving bodies, Moon, Mercury, Venus – can move a lot in fifteen to thirty minutes.
This chart shows her Moon in Moon Child in the 12th house. I would tend to think this is off, because Moon in the 12th would be someone who would keep their feelings to themselves. Mary was not known for this! (This is another reason I think she was born a bit later.) Moon in Moon Child people are often ruled by their emotions. Added to this is that her rising sign – how she presented herself to the world – was also Moon Child. Her Moon and her rising sign were both Moon- driven so I am sure that the stories that she was highly emotional and given to outbursts followed by depression were correct.
What grabs my eye even more than that was the Stellium (five or more planets) in the 6th house. (Again this could have straddled the 6th and 7th if her birth time is later.) She clearly had many planets in the 6th house the house of health. Mars and Uranus both in the fire sign of Sagittarius in the 6th points to someone who has mercurial rages. You are mixing male fire energy and Uranian lightening – that is combination for flare ups. The theory that they were driven by headaches and other medical conditions is proven by this sixth house placement.
This Mars/Uranus conjunction is sitting right on top of her Sun/Neptune conjunction. Sun and Neptune makes us unaware of our true selves. Neptune is the great obfuscator and gives everything have an air of unreality. When Neptune is tightly conjunct our life force, the Sun, a person has a hard time learning or facing who they are.
This is a classic definition of the historical Mary Lincoln – highly emotional, prone to rages, someone unaware of their public persona – out of touch with reality of the day. However, there is much more to this very complicated chart. In my next blog we will explore her Capricorn Venus – do you see the attraction to the Saturnian, dour looking Lincoln? However, it is her Moon and Lilith conjunction and her Aries North Node in her intercepted 11th house that I believe will give us a more rounded look at this highly complex woman.
Her ninth house (the house of spiritual seeking) is also jammed packed and highly charged with Chiron, Pallas Athena and Saturn there all in Pisces, the sign that connects us to the cosmic consciousness. Today she might be a spiritual leader. Then she was ridiculed for having séances in the White House.
Few people in the 19th Century looked beyond the flighty, emotional woman. Why bother, she was after all just a woman? Worse, she was a woman with a rebellious streak and a calling to be a leader at a time when those traits would be castigated. How easy to use her emotional short comings to keep her inner drives from being realized.
Oh Aries You Little Devil….
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courtesy of Arlenew.com |
Happy New Year all! And what a year it is going to be. We came through that Mars/Pluto conjunction with a huge Wikileaks “attack” and bombings in various places. I don’t know how it manifested in your chart. For me it has been a lingering cough triggered in my throat. Pluto – Mars were passing through my 3rd house – the house of communications which vibrates to Mercury and controls the throat area.
So what is coming up? Aries will be on the march that is what is coming up! On January 20th Jupiter will move into Aries but will only stay for 5 months. That is about one half the time Jupiter spends in a sign and that is a big key – movement and speed. Jupiter in this fire sign of masculine energy indicates a time of new raw expression of and seeking of truth. In my chart Jupiter is conjunct Pluto – the instrument of transformation so I see a great time of personal growth and expansion.
This Aries influence will just increase as the year continues so by the new Moon on April 2, Mars, the Moon, the Sun, Mercury and the asteroids Lilith and Eros will join Jupiter in Aries. I am sorry but you will really have to be dead not to feel this influence on Aries warrior energy on the personal planets. More interestingly, over Washington, D.C. that Aries stellium will be in the 8th house of house of power, sexuality, and death – all of those fun issues. Can you just see the power struggles and testosterone eruptions that will take place on Capitol Hill?
Let’s hope that is all that manifests. Remember the Civil War, Revolutionary War and Mexican/American Wars all started in April. It is as if the rope is stretched so tightly and then Aries cause the spark that burns the last thread.
On the positive side this is a time of new beginnings or new growth but that can cause painful breaks with the past. Remember the old saying, “out of pain comes growth.” Riding this crescent of energy can be a fun ride if we are aware of what is happening and staying in the positive aspect of Aries – which is the courage to take the lead in life and not the negative warrior energy it can also embody.